I watched Predestination last night with the wife. All I can say guys is....."DON'T GO THERE!"
My wife is sulking at me now. She summed it up nicely when she said, half way through the film, "I don't think that guy on your forum likes you very much does he?" Stop laughing
@jjohnwm. That doghouse we spoke of.......you're in it!!! Lol.
Guys, I could write paragraph after paragraph on this film, but I will sum it up in a couple of short sentences, just to give you the gist of the utter carnage involved.
It's a time travelling movie, and I should have known early on of what was to come when the time travelling porthole turned out to be.........wait for it.........a trumpet case!! Yes guys, a trumpet case! My wife looked at me with a smirk on her face and said, "Are you sure about this lover?"
And then, as the movie progresses you begin to realise that the main characters are all the same people, but at various stages in their time travelling past!!!!!
There is an hermaphrodite who is also it's own mother and father and son. Just take a moment and read that one sentence back to yourselves, and you may just begin to understand where I'm coming from, though I doubt it!
I'd stay at home and take today off work to recover from the cerebral blitz I had to endure last night.....but my wife doesn't want me around at the moment!
I never ever thought I'd say this, but I really could do to watch "Aquariums of the dead" all over again to aid my recovery!
Cheers John, my bestest buddy, I owe you one!