This is the little guy I ordered
Very noce bro, i cant wait to see it.This is the little guy I ordered
The cat is slated to come next Wednesday. Gives me enough time to get the growout ready with some good hiding spots so the Oscars wont mess with the little guy. He is only 3" and they are a good 4"+ now. At least the red is about 4"+ the wild just is not as greedy of an eater and much more cautious so it is not as large. The red is extremely outgoing and comes to the front for food and the wild hangs back to wait and see whats happening first. They hang around each other constantly AND fight constantly. I thought it was just the red smacking on the wild but every now and again the wild nips at the red.Did they cat came in? Also hows the O’s? Have they been transfered in the 300?
It look nice tho.This is the latest pic of the wild Columbia, sorry pretty bad
I did a lot of reading up before I made the decision. They really are cool looking fish despite the quirky stuff they do. I just hope the first year growth is enough to at least have it large enough to put in the 300. Im getting tired of having a growout tank to deal with too.nice to have a fellow uranoscopus keeper in the poly forum DMD123 - i'm sure you already know but they're suuuuper slow growers, can go on hunger strikes for no particular reason, and juveniles are normally only comfortable eating in the dark. yknow... you've bought yourself a nice piece of driftwood. well done to the both of us