Hey guys I just got a Wallago Catfish
Would like some info on these guys please? (don’t trust google)
I have tried to feed him cut up prawn and pellets but he won’t eat? Why?
And the growth rate of these guys?
He doesn’t even swim much and just lays in a corner
Not a wallago it' a ompok siluroides I have both a ompok and a wallago. A wallago's head is flatter and less round. Ompok don't get big maybe 10". They don't do much exept hover or lay on the bottom
My ompok has the spot but is always dark so you wouldn't no it was there. It was also sold as a wallago. In his picture it does look like there's a spot behind the gill plate and the color seems mottled like mine gets. My wallago micro color is different as you as you can see in my picsTo me the ID of the genus of Wallago looks right. There are more differences but one obvious one is Ompoks tend to have a large black spot past their gill cover and are generally never as black like this fish. The mouth shape and the head shape is of Wallago.
I can be wrong but this is what I think.
The species I can't tell - leerii or micropogon. The size and care are the same anyway.
It's not google that is not trustworthy. SeriouslyFish, Planet Catfish, ScotCat, FishBase, Aquatic Community, MFK, TFH, etc. are generally trustworthy, especially if it comes to databases and stickie threads. Individual threads and posts can vary in trustworthiness.
The reason for it not eating may be as simple as it hasn't adjusted to your tank and water yet. Or something else bothers it. If the tail tatter is new, something is bullying it. That could be enough to lose appetite.
I just bought 3 of these guys at 3". They eat eagerly cut fish. I didn't have to do anything special. In 2-3 weeks, they have put on an inch. They did fight in the beginning rather badly but once they figured it out, they have been better and stay out of each others way.
I have had another for 3 years that seems to be a runt, lacking one pelvic fin altogether and having been stuck at 2' for a year now in 4500 gal. It despises fish, only wants pellets.
The fish never looked like an Ompok to me and still doesn't.Does he still look like an Ompok guys?
Thank you buddy,The fish never looked like an Ompok to me and still doesn't.
The Ompok ID proponent isreefman .
Sorry, I had no time to continue an argumentation of your and my ID comparing the ID features and citing photos. To me the ID is pretty clear, especially with the additional pictures. But I appreciate Reefman's thoughts and posts regardless of our agreement or disagreement.
I agree it' a wallago the other pics give a better view. The head shape from the top is different fat head skinny body same a my wallago. The ompok is more uniform. Sorry if i offended youThe fish never looked like an Ompok to me and still doesn't.
The Ompok ID proponent isreefman .
Sorry, I had no time to continue an argumentation of your and my ID comparing the ID features and citing photos. To me the ID is pretty clear, especially with the additional pictures. But I appreciate Reefman's thoughts and posts regardless of our agreement or disagreement.
C'mon, mateI agree it' a wallago the other pics give a better view. The head shape from the top is different fat head skinny body same a my wallago. The ompok is more uniform. Sorry if i offended you