Yes, those are the cut ends. The machined edges feel smooth for the most part , only on really close examination can you see some very tiny pits in the 1st photo. Will probably leave it alone then as this should give it something to bite into. I think the viscous nature of 40/42 will fill any imperfections that occured during the machining process. My main concern was any type of crazing coming from these tiny pits. The material is 2.250 thick so too thick for solvent. To make the seams, I'll be using 42 squirted into a syrenge to get rid of any bubbles then will slowly squeeze/pour it into the V joint. The gap at the bottom of the V will be about 1/8". A piece of plate glass with wax paper on the bottom to hold it in and will overfill the joint to allow for shrinkage. After it drys then hand finish, sand flush and polish.