What is your favorite? South American, or Central?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I like both, but keep South Americans now as I have very soft water.
I believe the above statement is more pertinent than the "I like" this one or the other, and much more important to what is kept.
i.e. If you have very soft water, keeping Amazonian soft water S American cichlids is going to be more a more statisfying endeavor than keeping Central Americans, because they are going to be healthier, and present better.
If the aquarist has hard, mineral rich water, keeping Central Americans, or rift lake Africans is going to be generally more satisfying, because they are less likely to get HITH and other maladies than soft water South Americans would in less than optimum water conditions.
I don't like any one type, over the other, but in all the places I've lived I've had hard, mineral rich tap water, and so keeping certain soft water cichlids was a fruitless endeavor.
By the way, cichlids from west of the Andes in S America like Mesoheros festae, the Geophagus "red hump clade, or genus Andinoacara (GTs)can handle much the same waters as Central Americans can, and did well, n my hard mineral rich waters, whereas Amazonian not so well.
Mesoheros festae above, and another Mesoheros gepherum from west of the Andes below
and Andinoacara coerleopunctatus from Panama below
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Generally for me it has always been Central American for me. I do like andinoacara and 'cichlasoma', mesoheros and the umbee. I am now starting to keep red hump geo and actually liking the chill behavior lol
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Here another favorite, maybe my favorite thorichthys panchovillai. Formally “mixteco” finally officially their own species. Males seem to max out around 5”. Only have had blue and gold morfs. Green is extremely rare not available in the hobby often. This is a “blue” Rio Almoloya.




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Thorichthys do not seem to age well... The one 8" aureus at triple crown was probably the nicest big helleri type I've seen though. I notice that in most CA cichlids, they may be able to get that huge for their species, but aren't naturally/physically made to get that big or old. Panchovillai is very nice though. Good work getting him that size/age. Any pics of the green?
CA cichlids are awesome big and robust but for me I would have to say SA cichlids for sure! I’ve kept both but my SA cichlid tanks really did it for me.
I love the green terrors but I can honestly list many I’ve kept that I loved
True Parrot
Severums (heros notatus)
Chocolate cichlid
Red head geos
And many more lol