Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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So I hear people calling Oscars pansies, while I don't disagree. I have one specimen that may be the exception. For measured brutality I challenge anyone to find a nastier Oscar than my Brutus. He's only 12" and still averaging around an inch per month. He has been housed in a 125 with the following
-13" red devil male (3 days survived)
-10" jag male (less than 24 hrs)
-12" male red dragon FH (6 hrs, broken tank divider, pulled the fh.) Too beautiful to be destroyed that way
-10" Green terror (4 days)
-11" Texas (3 days)
They say pansy, I almost changed his name to wood chipper :P20151021_130612.jpg
2.5" female dovii. She killed my favorite female sal, 2 firemouths, and a 5" angel in less than 48 hrs. She jumped out today during a wc, and was scooped up by my dachshund . I managed to get her out of the dogs mouth, and tossed her back in the tank. She is begging for food right now. Aggro, and indestructible.
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And then there is Ben, I have no idea if he would kill another fish, since he has never encountered one since I have had him. He will happily attack anything that trespasses into his space. This is old, he is a bit bigger now.
Is question pound for pound? I concur with siestaSkyy. I had female orange pike (xingu-1) that was insane. I've never seen a meaner faster fish, but hands down full grown dovii is in a class by himself and unless new fish found I don't see record broke
This is when my dovii was 12" and would be murdered by the female pike mentioned above...after he grew 8" more she'd be a snack
Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks
So far, the baddest I've seen are baby (fry) tiger motaguense. At 3 weeks old they are little terrors to each other! Had 10...now 5, maybe 6..plus the one who thinks he can eat me gets all feisty when I look at him/her.

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