@ Mp
Glad that I can amuse you, but in general most of us will only post about successes when keeping aggressive fish together. I am being honest about my results with cichlids. I have never kept guppies, so that was an bit of an exaggeration on my part, but maybe you have some experience that you could add. So far I have been less than successful in keeping a community cichlid tank. Hope you do better.
I have kept full size dovii & pretty much all parachromis, red devil ect.. I know it comes down to personality for the fish but I would go with Umbee cichlid. Simply the most aggressive I have kept. It was a relentless fish, its sheer aggression was amazing.. I got rid of it at about 10" it was a male. Was going to kill my full grown male grammode that had no problems dealing with dovii, devils, motos, jags..Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks
I've got a crazy oscar that will take out anything I put with it other than Pacu and a pleco like twice his size.