Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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I couldnt get a pearsei and a yellow acara to live in a 150 and they arent considered bruisers...
@ Mp
Glad that I can amuse you, but in general most of us will only post about successes when keeping aggressive fish together. I am being honest about my results with cichlids. I have never kept guppies, so that was an bit of an exaggeration on my part, but maybe you have some experience that you could add. So far I have been less than successful in keeping a community cichlid tank. Hope you do better.
C cichlids are life.
Of course they are, a single oscar in a 55 is overstocked! Every cichlid I have should have 200+ gals. What is your point? Very few fish keepers have the resources to create an environment that in any way replicates the natural habitat of even a guppy. What is your big aggressive fish? If you want to comment on this, than post it up. I have seen some nice pics of some bad ass fish, but must have missed yours. I will hapily eat crow if you can put something up better than Fishguy66 or myself.
@ Mp
Glad that I can amuse you, but in general most of us will only post about successes when keeping aggressive fish together. I am being honest about my results with cichlids. I have never kept guppies, so that was an bit of an exaggeration on my part, but maybe you have some experience that you could add. So far I have been less than successful in keeping a community cichlid tank. Hope you do better.


I have had way more failures than success stories
Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks
I have kept full size dovii & pretty much all parachromis, red devil ect.. I know it comes down to personality for the fish but I would go with Umbee cichlid. Simply the most aggressive I have kept. It was a relentless fish, its sheer aggression was amazing.. I got rid of it at about 10" it was a male. Was going to kill my full grown male grammode that had no problems dealing with dovii, devils, motos, jags..
Yeah I've largely started keeping as pairs on their own, less trouble that way.
Not kept quite the range of some here, but Red Devils and Goldsaums are both pretty horrendous when they want to be. It does depend on tank size and who's in first and last etc. I had a female Goldsaum that was a bit of a pussy when first introduced but once settled in properly wouldn't let me add anything new to the tank, I lost or nearly lost a few fish to her and ended up getting rid. I have a pair on their own now and the male is an absolute beast, charging the glass when I go near. The big Red Devil I have has got slowly worse over time and is in a species tank now, almost completely de-scaled one of my Oscars when in the same tank.
I have a large male and female red devils and with 3 dovii in the tank with them my red devils run that 125gallon tank
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