Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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I havent owned too many SA/CA cichlids (salvini, jaguar, GT, JD, and a few others) but now that I have my mota, I would have to say they have to be near the top. My little guy isn't even 3" and he's killed 5 fish and pushed a GT to deaths door, if I hadnt returned it on time.

I put in a new plastic plant in the tank the other day and he attacked it for about 5 minutes until he was certain it wasn't alive....

I can't imagine what he's going to be like at 10"+

Definitely plan on a solo fish or a pair, and is say 100 gallon minimum for a solo male
I havent owned too many SA/CA cichlids (salvini, jaguar, GT, JD, and a few others) but now that I have my mota, I would have to say they have to be near the top. My little guy isn't even 3" and he's killed 5 fish and pushed a GT to deaths door, if I hadnt returned it on time.

I put in a new plastic plant in the tank the other day and he attacked it for about 5 minutes until he was certain it wasn't alive....

I can't imagine what he's going to be like at 10"+
lol MONSTROUS, aren't they?

1st time RTM-owner here too lol sometimes I have to stop and ask myself "Is this thing for real???"
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lol MONSTROUS, aren't they?

1st time RTM-owner here too lol sometimes I have to stop and ask myself "Is this thing for real???"

LOL yes, I couldn't believe he was attacking the plant. And not in a "let's dig this thing up" way, but in a "I want this to die" way. When he realized what it was he left it alone. He likes hiding in it now.

Crazy bugger. I may buy him some feeders tomorrow. I generally don't want to due to risk of disease etc, but I think it would be some stimulation for him. Maybe get some cheap danios or something.

Still may try convicts with him but I don't have high hopes, even if he's still less than 3"....
LOL yes, I couldn't believe he was attacking the plant. And not in a "let's dig this thing up" way, but in a "I want this to die" way. When he realized what it was he left it alone. He likes hiding in it now.

Crazy bugger. I may buy him some feeders tomorrow. I generally don't want to due to risk of disease etc, but I think it would be some stimulation for him. Maybe get some cheap danios or something.

Still may try convicts with him but I don't have high hopes, even if he's still less than 3"....
depending on tank size and how many caves and hide spaces you have, you might be able to get away w/a pair of Convicts. I know a breeding pair of Convicts is a force to reckon, but my RTMs are worse than anything I ever owned, and I've owned a lot.
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The most aggressive has to be the convict. They cant do much because theyre small but imagine a convict the size of a dovii... they would kill everything. Ive had convicts bully fish 3 times their size.
Although, the fish that can do the most damage would have to be the dovii.. flowerhorn, umbee, and red devil can be pretty nasty too.
I think Escondido pearlscales are nasty.. My Juvie has nearly killed my green terror and my flowerhorns.
out of my experience I'd go with an Umbee male I had years ago. I think it was a harder hitter than my Dovii though I never kept either in the same tank. I just remember how it would hit the Silver Dollars and tinfoils against the glass. To say the least they never lasted long, with the Dovii he just chased and never pursued, except other cichlids he would. I am sure it is all based on the size, temperament, sex etc. I've had a male salvini that had no questions about going after a bigger red devil. lol
Of the fish I've had experience with, I'd say jaguar for sure. It's the only fish I've owned that would swim full speed the 6' length of his tank head first into the glass when you walked in the room. I had to block off the tank when doing water changes because he didn't tolerate my hands in his territory. I now have a juvy dovii (male) and a juvy festae (male) that are growing out so my opinion may change in the next couple years!
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