I don't think it's either ....looks like a FH. Can u post better pix??Hi guys can anyone tell me if this is a festae or mayan thanks View attachment 1169339
I don't think it's either ....looks like a FH. Can u post better pix??Hi guys can anyone tell me if this is a festae or mayan thanks View attachment 1169339
yea, FH....definitely looks like I'm seeing Trimac in there
From my experience umbriferum cichlid or grammode not counting dovii are the most aggressive. I have a 180g tank that I have cycled alot of fish through and those two were killers.Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks
I don't think I know anyone who keeps Dovii with anything besides other Dovii........From my experience umbriferum cichlid or grammode not counting dovii are the most aggressive. I have a 180g tank that I have cycled alot of fish through and those two were killers.
I've had pritty much everything and I'd say a large male Dovii, I have one at the moment and to say he's aggressive would be a massive understatement, you can't walk past the tank,feed him or even clean him with out him going totally crazy, I mean trying to smash his way through the glass crazy, he's already smashed 2 glass sliders during feeding time trying to bite me, broke 2 heaters by just basicly going crazy circling when somone looks at him, he's just totally nuts aggressive lol, but with all fish everyone has a different personality from fish to fish, I've had 3 umbees in the past only up to 14-15 inches and they were also aggressive but not to level that Dovii have been for me, but like I said what my fish have been like for me could be totally different for someone else, a lot of it is down too Your Fishs personality, but in general I would definatly say Dovii.Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks
So awesome....what are the last 2?We all know dovii get huge and no other cichlid stands a chance. But inch per inch and pound for pound there's other just as mean.
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The last two pictures are Amphilophus Labiatus red devil and female Haitiensis Black nasty.So awesome....what are the last 2?