Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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The last two pictures are Amphilophus Labiatus red devil and female Haitiensis Black nasty.
wow.....all these different variations of labiatus I am just finding out about and I ended up getting my 2nd one in Dec. SOOOOO close in appearance to the one I lost 4-5 years ago. I have a lot to learn still about Amphs. Great shots, man, thanks for posting them!

EDIT: I just saw my 1st Haitiensis in January when I joined here and fell in love w/ them....more Black Nastys pLZ
wow.....all these different variations of labiatus I am just finding out about and I ended up getting my 2nd one in Dec. SOOOOO close in appearance to the one I lost 4-5 years ago. I have a lot to learn still about Amphs. Great shots, man, thanks for posting them!

EDIT: I just saw my 1st Haitiensis in January when I joined here and fell in love w/ them....more Black Nastys pLZ


convict are no where near the top they are way down there with oscars well maybe not that FAR down they are about as far down as JD

I had a 8 inch jd in 150 gallon with 6 jewels i sold him and he had chunks missing out of his head from bites he wasnt able to even hold his own from some nasty 4inch jewels in a huge tank where the smaller fish could mob him i guess

convicts are the same males i had to rescue and just gave away for free i was told to use them as dithers to even out aggression in my five star tanks BIG MISTAKE after a day they looked horrible i seperated them put them with baby cichlids and cleaned them and gave them away FREE they cannot handle aggressive fish the way some cichlids can in large tanks, texas are hit or miss red devils even at small sizes are usually still tougher than a convict lol which is funny pike cichlids al still tough, salvani are wimps when it comes to real tough fish, jewels last if they have a lot of room to fight they fight like mbuna with a lot of speed. One five star decimated a pair of convicts and their eggs. People think they are bad ass re the same people who think oscars are i have been keeping them for 15 years lol THey are not as wimpy as a firemouth or oscar but still they cant compete with the most aggressive out there.
I heard some salvani get long teeth idk my jewels have killed most salvnii they fight with and im NOT TALKING my five star jewels im talking red jewels but people say salvnini get big teeth when older and will just kill other cichlids same size so i am not sure on them yet. PIke cichlid is a total survivor and very very aggressive at a young age put it with anything its a monster. Im talking the larger aggressive species.
I heard some salvani get long teeth idk my jewels have killed most salvnii they fight with and im NOT TALKING my five star jewels im talking red jewels but people say salvnini get big teeth when older and will just kill other cichlids same size so i am not sure on them yet. PIke cichlid is a total survivor and very very aggressive at a young age put it with anything its a monster. Im talking the larger aggressive species.
In my experience I say "dovii". A full grown male dovii is designed to kill other cichlids.
I would say either dovii or motaguensis, my 13" mota will give ANY fish a run for their money, I even tried a wolf fish as a tankmate..... NOPE
I would say either dovii or motaguensis, my 13" mota will give ANY fish a run for their money, I even tried a wolf fish as a tankmate..... NOPE

I havent owned too many SA/CA cichlids (salvini, jaguar, GT, JD, and a few others) but now that I have my mota, I would have to say they have to be near the top. My little guy isn't even 3" and he's killed 5 fish and pushed a GT to deaths door, if I hadnt returned it on time.

I put in a new plastic plant in the tank the other day and he attacked it for about 5 minutes until he was certain it wasn't alive....

I can't imagine what he's going to be like at 10"+
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