Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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Oscars can be very aggressive. I used to have 2 blacks, 1 red and 1 albino and used to feed them raw mutton, frogs, live shrimps, live worms and goldfish . The red one started growing teeth, I kid you not!
But one of the black Oscars used to beat the other three, including the red Oscar. Real bully!
How about Green Terrors? I'm looking at buying a 6 ft fully setup tank with Green terrors, Silver dollars and bristle nose plecos. Is this a good idea?
The bristle-nose Plecs may work if you provide enough hiding spots the GT can't get in once mature. I've read many experiences that say the GT become quite aggressive once they mature. A 6' tank is a great idea for that stock list though.
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How about Green Terrors? I'm looking at buying a 6 ft fully setup tank with Green terrors, Silver dollars and bristle nose plecos. Is this a good idea?
green terrors rivulatious or stalsberg i think stalsbergs are more aggressive then rivulatiouse (genrically as it all depends on the individual fish.)
rivs are for me are better to look at and my 1 male i have is the most aggressive male i have seen he is not gold he is white riv
Aggression and predatory are often confused. I prefer to make a distinction. Oscars and Severum for example are not overly aggressive (relative to some SA and almost all CA cichlids) but they are predatory.

The oscar is renowned for trying eat anything that will fit in its considerable mouth, including other fish. And Severum are notoriously piscivorous when kept with Neons or other small tetras.

But this behaviour is not indicative of their relative aggression levels.

That's how I feel about it anyhow. Heck, Angels and Discus are awesome tetra hunters, but they won't make too many top 10 aggressive lists.
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I haven't gone through the whole feed but has anyone mentioned the red terrors and red tiger cichlids

My red tiger is probably second smallest fish in my tank at about 4/5 inch and he's a monster already he will stand up to anything in his way
(strictly based off of what I've kept...)
I'm going to go with A. Stalsbergi... I had a wild caught female at just 4" that completely TERRORIZED a group of 5 Piranhas I had in the tank (for a very, very short period of time)
I haven't gone through the whole feed but has anyone mentioned the red terrors and red tiger cichlids

My red tiger is probably second smallest fish in my tank at about 4/5 inch and he's a monster already he will stand up to anything in his way

Yup I put my red tiger has killed a couple of my fish
Salvini. Little monsters that terrorise the entire tank of fish more than twice his size, Can't wait to sell him next week
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