Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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They are nasty when there protecting the fry, I had one and she had no problem protecting them in my tank with some big American cichlids in with her
Convicts paired up nasty as all hell and when pairs fight against other pairs individuals can be down right evil I got one particular small breeding female when fighting waits for her mate to face off with opposing fish then she gets to the other fishes gills and eyes she actually watches and waits for the fish to flare it's gills before biting into them. NASTY
I recently got a 5inch Pair of black nasty and I was shocked by the result. I put them in a big tank and they were the smallest fish out of trimacs, Butticofris, festaes, black belts, texases, rtms, loiselle, Midas, etc...and within minutes they claimed a spot and were willing to defend to the death. I knew i should separate but was curious of out come. Within few days every fish was confined to small portion of tank from black nasty aggression except female loiselle which didn't surprise me. I had a pair loiselle pull off same stunt couple years earlier in a 180gal stocked with monsters. I don't normally classify cichlids as mean/angry. Usually with enough water any fish can get along. I consider cichlids to be territorial not aggressive until these incidences happen. Like the majority of you I classify the Dovii as long, but have to wonder what a 2foot+ hadiences or loiselle would do. Off topic...could you imagine a 2foot male chipokee, lol
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A midas. Hands down.

No tank mates - she killed anything we tried her with, bigger, smaller, spiney armoured plecs... She wouldn't have it . This was one of the reasons that she had so many owners before we rescued her from the shop that agreed to take her.

Biting - she left many previous owners fingers and arms scarred because they handled her wrong. It wasn't that she didn't like to be petted, it was that it was on her own terms. She liked to jump out of the tank at this one previous owner and maul his arm. Guess she didn't like him!

Aggression - she would attack you for doing tank maintenance, because understandably, she works hard dragging around the big bits of bogwood until she's happy with it, then we mess up her work to get the poop cleaner in her cave.
She would also attack you for going too close to the glass, and even more so if you touched it. When she got really wound up, she would stick her finns bolt upright and smash herself from one end of her five foot to the other. It was beautiful to watch as she put on a lovely display with her aggression, but the head buts on the glass when she charged at you made me wince! I always imagined that her head would hurt afterwards. Poor gal!

Food - she would only really eat from your fingers, but obviously her aim isn't perfect and sometimes she would accidentally nip a bit. No biggie to us, but apparently her 6000 previous owners were taking that as an attack.

The constant tank redecorating - she only wanted things her way. She would drag large bits of wood around, over thee times her size until she made a cave that she was happy with. Stones were pilled up until she was happy with them. It was always a mess but she was happy.

We had Jess until I was a teenager. I love that gal. Still miss her. Never had another cichlid like her. <3

ive got a wild caught rotkeil that mean as ****, its a female too. chewed a male green sev to ****. also dispacted a firemouth. most aggressive fish ive owned lol
Good question I would say dovii,umbee,Haitian,Beani and that's from experience...but you guys wanna talk about pairs I had a Cuban pair male 4" female 2.5-3" but they were nasty put them in my big tank and they took over a part of the tank...tankmates were a dovii rtm pair red devil believe it or not had to take the pair out...female r.i.p but here is my male


My Hornet is a jerk, the True Festae is a monster, my Flowerhorn is an ass too. The Oscars just push each other around.
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