Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Ok I just couldnt stand not trying out this young Super Red Dragon Flowerhorn , in my 210 Central / South American tank because he was so good looking, anyway he got along well for about 3 months then one night he beat up one wild caught red devil , a male Blackbelt & my Chocolate Cichlid . Everyone had a hiding place but he was going around trying to get at them still. So the spawn of Satan is in a 55 gal until I sell him , he has a mean soul.
Well I have Dovi ,Buttcufri,, Bleekri, red devil,convicts,and Jack Dempsey in one tank . I think red Devil and Dovi rules . Sizes makes a difference .
Judging by what people on this thread seem to think constitutes an "American cichlid", I would vote for either :
Tetraodon mbu
Silurus Glanis
Ursa Minor
Lockheed P 51 Black Widow
Architeuthis japonica
Boulengerochromis microlepis
Oops. I accidenty named something American and a Cichlid. I guess I need to be thrown off this thread :P
Well I have Dovi ,Buttcufri,, Bleekri, red devil,convicts,and Jack Dempsey in one tank . I think red Devil and Dovi rules . Sizes makes a difference .

I feel bad for the "bleekri" and JD in that case.
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