Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Buttis aren't American.
I heard that true green terrors actually live up to their name. Gold saums are generally peaceful, they're more assertive than aggressive imo.
Gold saum, andinoacara rivulatus are true green terrors.
I think you must be referring to andinoacara stalsbergi.
I've never owned a Dovii but from what I have kept I'd say a Pike Cichlid. My Venezuelan Pike Cichlid shows for aggression than my Jag.
Hands down dovii are the nastiest sons of guns dovii will break through lids when they get pissed off
My former 15" Jaguar was a beast! I couldn't gravel vac without this A--hole attacking my hand. He became a chore to keep so I finally sold him. I do miss him, though.
Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks
5-a big dominant synspilum, I had a 14 inch male killed a breeding pair of jags (female 7inches,male 10inches), male buttikoferi tilapia 9inches, paratilapia polleni 7inches, parrot cichlid 7inches, and a 16inch pleco
Who is the baddest america cichlid i would say dovi but im tryin to see what everyone thinks

I once had a mixed cichlid community tank with a pair of large 12" oscars that ruled a tank with seven slightly smaller Central Americans. One Parachromis loisellei, one P. dovii. one Kronoheros umbriferus all about ten inches each. This included a a common red devil, Two Mayan cichlids and a Herichthys carpintis. all four 8 inches each.

During that winter, the power went out at my house without me knowing. The oscars were dead in the morning. After that, the Red Devil took advantage of the other fishes weakened state and went on a rampage killing all three of the larger fish without even a scratch on him. The only fish he left alone were my Pearl scale cichlid and two Mayans all about 8 inches long. Parachromis loisellei,Parachromis dovii and the Umbee all have reputations for being dominating fish.I have read the same in practically every cichlid book I own, these fish are described as being very aggressive.
I ended up moving him to a separate tank in a area I would separate fish that were too aggressive and I still wanted to keep.

I placed a male Nosferatu labridens in the tank next to the Red Devil. The Nosfaratu was also around 8 inches long and he had outlasted his welcome in community tank I placed him after he killed his female during spawning.

These two fish would threaten each other through the galss day and day out. One day I came home to find the Nosferau jumped out of his and into the Red Devil tank, where he found out the hard way what RD's are capable of (Yes yes.No covers were on their tanks).

Well, I guess if you look at it from rock, paper, scissors perspective, I guess my answer would be common Amphilophus. dovii and Umbess are large predators. In my experience, predatory fish tend to be more reserved with equally sized fish, ignoring most fish they cannot swallow in onegulp
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