Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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Once bought a female Umbee that went in a 175G with a Blackbelt male, Sagittae female, Jaguar, 2 Oscars and several smaller Cichlids. Got a bit of grief early on, mainly off the BB, 2 hours later it had claimed half the tank with only the Jaguar half heartedly challenging it from a distance. The Umbee was a couple of inches bigger than the other big hitters at best. Had a small 3" Grammodes once that was plain crazy, a real phyco. Never kept Dovii. Had some nutter Red Devil complex as well, generally find they're ok with smaller fish if plenty of room. Had Black belts and Argentea which are very aggressive also in a push everything else around but not kill them kind of way.
Oh and a Cuban male that I wouldn't have like to meet down a dark alley. I put this Regani in with it that must have been fully grown and double the size of the Cuban. The Regani tried to stand its ground but the Cuban had it spinning around on its axis trying to defend itself and the fins were torn up within 5 mins. Needless to say I took the Regani back out.
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In my tank is a large Vieja Argentea with a mouthful of teeth. My Dovii's even have issues with this guy.

Cichlids with visable teeth who also have a size advantage are usually going to be the most aggressive in their tank space.
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I have a 55 gallon tank with 4 smaller fish in the 3-4" range. I have a green Texas, convict, butterkefori, and golden jaguar.
Hands down the golden jaguar is the most aggressive in the tank. Might I add he is the smallest yet he bullies the bigger Texas 30 times a day.. He's gonna be a monster when full grown
I have a 55 gallon tank with 4 smaller fish in the 3-4" range. I have a green Texas, convict, butterkefori, and golden jaguar.
Hands down the golden jaguar is the most aggressive in the tank. Might I add he is the smallest yet he bullies the bigger Texas 30 times a day.. He's gonna be a monster when full grown
Yeah some jags can be mean SOBs. U do know that you'll need a bigger tank right? Something like 180+
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