Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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Texas looks to be female, jag I've never owned one but it might be male, still too young to tell, buttikoferi are hard to tell. I myself have one and I assume it's a she.

OK great. Thanks for your input on sexing of the fish. I'm a new hobbyist and they are all young so it's really hard for me to tell... I now know after doing slot of research all of these fish grow to be very large and aggressive. I NEED to get a big fish tank soon... As my 55 will only house them for a short time. They range from 2-3 inches now but that won't last long..
Yeah until it hits 4-5 inches. Then they're just pure evil. My butti was timid for the first few months in my 125 and when he hit 4 inches he was beating on my Texas pair.
Yeah until it hits 4-5 inches. Then they're just pure evil. My butti was timid for the first few months in my 125 and when he hit 4 inches he was beating on my Texas pair.

Wow...do you think if I upgraded to a 120 or 180 from my 55 gal that my green Tex, my butti, my golden jag, and my convict full grown will be good in the same tank? I realize that my fish selection all grow very large and aggressive and I'm wondering if I can avoid separating if I put them in a large enough tank
Wow...do you think if I upgraded to a 120 or 180 from my 55 gal that my green Tex, my butti, my golden jag, and my convict full grown will be good in the same tank? I realize that my fish selection all grow very large and aggressive and I'm wondering if I can avoid separating if I put them in a large enough tank
A 120 is out of the question. A 180 would work for a while but you'd need a 240+ for all of them to live together when they're fully grown. Jaguars get can get 12-16 inches. Buttikoferi can get 18+ and texas cichlids around 12 inches. And since jaguars and buttis can be mean as hell.,you'd need atleast an 8 foot tank.
A 120 is out of the question. A 180 would work for a while but you'd need a 240+ for all of them to live together when they're fully grown. Jaguars get can get 12-16 inches. Buttikoferi can get 18+ and texas cichlids around 12 inches. And since jaguars and buttis can be mean as hell.,you'd need atleast an 8 foot tank.

Holy crap!! Wow. I didn't realize what I got myself into. That is amazing and the coolest thing ever but I'm in shock on how big of a tank I need!! Well I better start shopping around now and find one and get it cycling. How cool would it be to put just them 4 or 5 little fish in their now with All that room. I bet they would be so happy and they would never get to a cramped stage that way and could all have their own territory and might not even see each other haha. Thanks for your input and helping me out brother
Holy crap!! Wow. I didn't realize what I got myself into. That is amazing and the coolest thing ever but I'm in shock on how big of a tank I need!! Well I better start shopping around now and find one and get it cycling. How cool would it be to put just them 4 or 5 little fish in their now with All that room. I bet they would be so happy and they would never get to a cramped stage that way and could all have their own territory and might not even see each other haha. Thanks for your input and helping me out brother
No problem man!
From my personal experience it's always going to be the good old convict. They are relentless, always trying to steal each other's partners if kept in a species group and will stand up to any other cichlid no matter what size while protecting their brood they are hearty as hell love em! There are always individual rogues though I have had Jack Dempsey go on a war path, my devils are pretty crazy but at the moment my angry fish of the moment is my Cuban cichlid currently having to be housed on his own.

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