In a 120, a male jaguar is eventually going to kill anything you put with it. If you want to have multiple large cichlids in this size tank, your best bet would be to ditch the ultra-aggressive jaguar (and other Central American cichlids) and stick to South Americans. The SA cichlids in general live in closer proximity in the wild and are more forgiving; the large CA species tend to be too territorial to do a community in anything under 6 feet (even then it's a crapshoot)I'm getting a 120 gallon aquarium. Would I be able to keep a green terror with a jaguar?
Thanks for the detailed reply, I also have a pike cichlid that will be in the mix, too young to determine the species but the guys at the Los said he'll get big. Do you think he'd be ok with the green terror or this would also be a problemIn a 120, a male jaguar is eventually going to kill anything you put with it. If you want to have multiple large cichlids in this size tank, your best bet would be to ditch the ultra-aggressive jaguar (and other Central American cichlids) and stick to South Americans. The SA cichlids in general live in closer proximity in the wild and are more forgiving; the large CA species tend to be too territorial to do a community in anything under 6 feet (even then it's a crapshoot)
Some good species to mix with a green terror in a 120: severum, chocolate cichlid, geophagus, belly crawler pike. Keep in mind, some GT's are actually very aggressive, so could still have problems. But much, much higher chance of success with SA species only, than trying to mix the two.
It really depends on the species; some of the large lugubris pikes like johanna or venezuela get very aggressive, and would probably not be do-able in a community in this size. Smaller ones like belly crawler, or even atabapo possibly, would have a decent chance of working out. If you post a picture in the crenicichla subforum, I bet people can help you with an ID on the pike.Thanks for the detailed reply, I also have a pike cichlid that will be in the mix, too young to determine the species but the guys at the Los said he'll get big. Do you think he'd be ok with the green terror or this would also be a problem
Ok thanks againIt really depends on the species; some of the large lugubris pikes like johanna or venezuela get very aggressive, and would probably not be do-able in a community in this size. Smaller ones like belly crawler, or even atabapo possibly, would have a decent chance of working out. If you post a picture in the crenicichla subforum, I bet people can help you with an ID on the pike.