hands down the dovii, there was one at my lfs and the owner is very friendly and has told me about the dovii which he named "Ozzy" after Ozzy Osbourne (you'll find out why soon). He first broke down an egg crate divided the 120 gallon tank (he was about 6 inches at the time) and killed a golden flowerhorn that was at about 14 inches, then he got that tank until he grew to about 10 inches when he was moved to their large display tank because the owner was getting a new order of fish and needed the 120 to put in some rainbow fish(360 gallons, 48x36x48 LWH) with 3 1 foot peacock bass, 6 10 inch Bala Sharks, a 14 inch pike cichlid, a 3 foot ripsaw catfish, an 18 inch giant gourami, and a 1 foot pleco, he got the name ozzy because he bit all the heads off the bala sharks just like Ozzy Osbourne did to a bat someone threw on stage at a concert. the dovii attacked all the other fish and left them pretty messed up, but they all survived, this was all in a 1 hour time frame when he left to go get a new order of fish