Which is the most aggressive SA/CA cichlid in your experience/opinion?

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Well Dovii are more common as the top predator. But im going to go with the BLACK NASTY CICHLID
Nandopsis haitiensis
I respect your opinion but I think black nasty cichlids are not that bad. The reason being bloat. If they're not the boss of a tank then they get bloat.
My male jag had been the most aggressive fish I've every had in 16 years of keeping cichlids. Absolutely persistent on killing anything in the tank, even his girl after breeding
I would say the WIFE!

Kidding aside, I would go to wolf cichlid. I had my 'LitilDivil' way back 3 years ago, and it's just way too much to handle. I can't even put my hands on the surface..he will bite me! lol
I owned a Jaguar who was a beast, recently I got two jags and a RD,MiDevil oh god is he mean there all 2 inches..I'll get pics up today.. forgot my old username good to back
The Wolf Dovii would be the most aggressive cichlid from my experience. I have kept Red Devil, Green Terror, Convicts, Oscars the lot of them. I currently have a 12" Red Midas and he's a nasty piece of work but when it comes to pure aggression the Dovii is just a bad ass no contest, it's like the hulk on roids. Soon as these fishes get around 14" / 15" it's completely different ball game with them.
i have heard of horror stories of dovii. but in my experience the flowerhorn being most aggressive attacks anything big or small including non living objects. Most damage inflicting gotta go with Oscars. there mouths are huge and very sharp. they will destroy an acrylic aquarium in minutes.
I have a wolf Dovii, and i also have 3 oscars.. but when it comes to pure anger, aggression, attitude and flat out rude. I’d have to say my Dovii.. He’s never nice about anything!! He just wants to bite and kill.. simple as that..
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