White spot on fly river turtle

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
melafix and dry dock for 15 mins every day will cure and help it heal. like any water turtle its the same treatment nothing different.

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I'm jealous you can just call a vet, the exotic vets out here require you to come in.
I think i have found the cure to everything… went to a fish store in the San Gabriel Valley area & the shop owner sold me some yellow powder. He had the Chinese brand too but said people are afraid to buy it because everything is in Chinese so he sold me the American brand yellow powder. Said it’ll treat anything and they use it on their fish. Gonna give it a try once i get home. Fingers crossed

hell yeah, lmk if it works! i've been trying to find some. Also melafix won't work in situations like this, it's pretty much tea tree oil.
hell yeah, lmk if it works! i've been trying to find some. Also melafix won't work in situations like this, it's pretty much tea tree oil.
If it works I’m going back to pickup a bottle of the Chinese brand one. One of the workers suggested melafix but then i kept saying yellow powder & he didn’t know what i was talking about but the shop owner chimed in & said yeah we have it we just don’t really sell it people don’t trust it. I’ll pick u up a bottle next time I go to this store, if it works :naughty:
If it works I’m going back to pickup a bottle of the Chinese brand one. One of the workers suggested melafix but then i kept saying yellow powder & he didn’t know what i was talking about but the shop owner chimed in & said yeah we have it we just don’t really sell it people don’t trust it. I’ll pick u up a bottle next time I go to this store, if it works :naughty:
I've found a few different types of yellow powder online, there seems to be two different drugs one being
and the other is
Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Powder

I'm not sure which one is the correct one, but i'll dig into it more, as it's said to treat a wide variety of issues.

Edit: I just refuse to use melifix because i've had bad issues with it in the past.
I've found a few different types of yellow powder online, there seems to be two different drugs one being
and the other is
Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Powder

I'm not sure which one is the correct one, but i'll dig into it more, as it's said to treat a wide variety of issues.

Edit: I just refuse to use melifix because i've had bad issues with it in the past.
Update this is what the turtle is looking like now. Shop owner didn’t say what type of yellow powder it was, only said “yeah i have it it treats anything will help the fungus i can sell u one teaspoon for $10”:headbang2 I’ll post updates tomorrow morning. Doing a water change now as well


Just took the turtle to my vet. Veterinarian said to apply Silvadine twice a day and he also recommended all natural Manuka honey, he said it heals everything and he uses it on his turtles (he has 6 adult ones). Betadine diluted solution once a week. Too much can be harmful. Silvadine should do the trick though milkman407 milkman407
Just took the turtle to my vet. Veterinarian said to apply Silvadine twice a day and he also recommended all natural Manuka honey, he said it heals everything and he uses it on his turtles (he has 6 adult ones). Betadine diluted solution once a week. Too much can be harmful. Silvadine should do the trick though milkman407 milkman407
I'm glad you were able to get that, it works great. I'm still trying to find some without a RX
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Try some manuka honey for now though for your’s. Just make sure it’s 100% natural and pure
I'll post a pic here shortly, I've yet to take her out and actually get some good photos. I do have this cute one though, they love sand.