keep an eye on it, could be hair algae, could be fungus, Mine had something similar and it's gone away.
Morning update I think it developed a new fungus spot behind its right front foot. Kinda hard to tell but it definitely wasn’t there yesterday. Keeping an eye on it for now and putting some silvadine on itkeep an eye on it, could be hair algae, could be fungus, Mine had something similar and it's gone away.
I’m gonna go back with the salt baths + betadine dips. His shell is starting to shed around the circle as well.time to increase that salinity to 1.004-1.006, bump that water to a nice 86* and bring your PH up to as close to 8.2 as you can ( I struggle to get it to 8, my natural tap ph is 6.5 after 48 hours)
I’m gonna go back with the salt baths + betadine dips. His shell is starting to shed around the circle as well.
Yeah hopefully can get over this hurdle soon. Kinda stressful lol would be a terrible shame to lose this little guyalternate days where you're doing that with the cream. I've never ran into these problems and i've raised two to adult hood and keep them with other fish, i'm 99% sure this shipment that came has just been horrible for almost all of the babies. I only know of like 2-3 people (myself included) that bought one and hasn't had any issues with it. My light phase male is swimming around in the datnoid growout tank and has 0 issues.
I feel you man, dealing with one issue is bad enough as it is. It'll be worth it once it's all over.Yeah hopefully can get over this hurdle soon. Kinda stressful lol would be a terrible shame to lose this little guyph has been around 8.0 i have mixed in crushed fine coral sand and I added a bunch of coral rocks to the HOB filters