who has the largest florida gar?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
J, what if i were to say i believe a gatf can be kept in a 55gal for life because i've done it many times before and they can't bash their snouts due to the lact of space to swim. would you not try and correct me based on the collective experience of the members of the board?

it's the same thing here. Solomon and peje have much more experience and data on the fish that is available to us as aquarists, so why not use it? if kevin can get his 24" gar, then great. but is it really all that important? he might have one gar hit 24" in that tank, but do you have any idea how many yoy gar have had broken backs simply due to the fact they were in too large a tank?

personally, i'm glad that we have these guys here to help us along in the "science" aspect. imo that, along with the increasing number of members who are more interested in learning about the fish, rather than just looking at pictures or attempting dangerous combinations, is what makes this sub-forum one up from many others on the forum.
xander;4451313; said:
J, what if i were to say i believe a 2' gatf can be kept in a 55gal because it's worked well for me in the past. would you not try and correct me based on the collective experience of the members of the board?

it's the same thing here. Solomon and peje have much more experience and data on the fish that is available to us as aquarists. there are opinions and then there are solid facts.

personally, i'm glad that we have these guys here to help us along in the "science" aspect. imo that, along with the increasing number of members who are more interested in learning about the fish, rather than just looking at pictures or attempting dangerous combinations, is what makes this sub-forum one up from many others on the forum.

Bro id not say a word. Its not my place. If it worked how could i argue? You'll never seen me telling people how to keep there fish... If they ask me i'll just state my thoughts.. If somebody posts something different.. Would i just start throwing a fit? No.. anything is possible.. And when were talking about 4-5'' of growth? Common sense kicks in for me... it can happen... jmo Im not telling you not to have your thoughts/or facts..

If people would learn to be respectful yet still post there point.. (as you have done all along) Its a little better... Than the im the "expert".. Your not qualified ect... To me thats just garbage...

Ive said all along i know these guys know there Gar period... But that dont mean i think there God and never wrong or overboard... You see what i mean?
thread edited

sorry i accidentally deleted the thread for a moment, i'm still getting used to the mod functions. sorry for any autobot pm's:p
E_americanus;4451166; said:
also nice job using your opinion of everyone else being a robot...

I am Garbot 3000. Please insert coin.
edit nvm
well said xander, and as (hopefully) most people know, we're here to help just like most to respond in the threads in this forum, and also here to learn.

Madding;4451826; said:
I am Garbot 3000. Please insert coin.

hahaha...now we just need someone to illustrate or build said machine...perhaps send them back in time to prevent cichlids from ever evolving :grinno:

Solomon, you mentioned there are some theories on spawning triggers in gars, care to elaborate on these, or provide a link. I was only able to find information saying that it is hard to spawn them in captivity or some scientific papers which only mentioned the period they spawn during in the wild.
BigJ;4451140; said:
There is nothing wrong with posting opinions.. You post yours i post mine.. We just see things different.. And as far as i can tell? We have the right to post were we want... No?

You are discussing opinion... I'm not.. If I am stating an opinion I state that I am doing so. If I post a specific aspect of gar husbandry it is with detail and reference that can be utilized. I only state things that have been tested and proven in my posts. I do not play with opinions on things. That is the fundamental difference between you as a novice hobbyist and myself as someone that is further advanced than you are. Of coarse you are frightened by those that are a step above you in experience and knowledge so you feel a need to lash out and make it seem like our concepts and ideas are somehow not valid and just "opinions"... Where this comes from is in your own insecurity with yourself and with your psychological problems...

Your the High school type that harasses the nerds because they really frighten you because you feel they make you inferior in some way just because they exist. They have a power of intelligence and control that you can not have so therefore you must in some odd survival instinct lash out as much as you can to attack the "viral nerd minions" that have the golden ring you will never have. LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE and INTELLECT...

I know your type and we see them all the time in scientific circles.. I met you in most stages of life and your type is very very transparent and clearly recognizable

And to LEP, Yes ive kept Gar... Had them for a few years.. Cuban, Florida, Trop.. Is what ive had personally.. Not counting the hundreds we had in my dad's fish store. I've been around a few.. But i dont claim to be a "expert" i have plenty to learn..

Yes you do have much to learn.. And if you ever actually bothered to listen to those of us that you call "experts" and regard as such offensive people worthy to slam so much, you would also find that we openly and often state that we really have a long long long way to go.
We are not at the end of the rainbow and have never said we where. Your oblivious to that fact though in you fear and fight response.

But you cant post in the damn Gar section with out 20 robots slamming you.. I guess thats why i always stick to the photo lounge and b/s... I know what i know.. Because ive kept the fish.. And im not one to be affraid to stand up to the "little groups".. Sorry if you dont like it...
But there is MORE than just what these "experts" tell you... I know you choose to follow like robots.. Thats ya'lls call... It aint in this boy..

I'm not one to be afraid to point out what you are and who you are. I'm not one also to be smacked on the cheek without smashing yours right back. I of coarse know you can not in any way intellectually challenge me either. Your not capable of doing so....If you where you would have tried by now. Soooo... I'll just sit here and wait for your newest bully tactic of labeling and slander...

Beware of smart people we bite back....:)
pharmaecopia;4452176; said:
Solomon, you mentioned there are some theories on spawning triggers in gars, care to elaborate on these, or provide a link. I was only able to find information saying that it is hard to spawn them in captivity or some scientific papers which only mentioned the period they spawn during in the wild.

it's definitely hard to spawn them in captivity...even with the "cheating" that we use!

the info that is available about their spawning triggers seems to be nebulous at best...or at least so vague that we understand the general but not the details.

for tropical gars, it is believed that the onset of the rainy season is the trigger for spawning groups to form. in some cases (i will look up the reference, or Richard will post it if he has it on hand - it's the population study of the tropical gars from 2008), tropicals may spawn twice in a year, but this info is also vague. in many cases gars use floodplain habitat for nursery areas, so the onset of a rainy season makes sense as a trigger.

bring that closer to aquarium settings, and it's the equivalent of using a cooler spray of water to get some fishes to spawn (i believe something like that works with stingrays).

with the more temperate species, there is a similar effect...the spring rains which cause a change in temperature of the water seems to trigger spawning groups. most temperate gars spawn in the late spring/early summer.

along with both of these effects we have a change in photoperiod...we theorize that it is several factors like this that come together at the right time and would trigger the gar spawning. keep in mind rain (or floods) can change the pH, so that may be a factor too.

in farms where gars are aquacultured, the fish are either strip-spawned and/or the spawning is induced with hormones such as GNRH/dopamine, LHRH.

hope that helps, but as you can see, we have a ways to go in figuring out what exactly gets them going--