Why not to use sand

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
you're fine with the loaches. they aerate the tank plenty, so even with this threads original theory, you're fine
swede;3201145; said:
my point being that much more rots and breaks down in a gravel tank, where as in sand, it remains close to the surface and doesn't get trapped for months

no gravel trapps more waste than sand, in a sand tank it is more likely to get sucked up in your filter, my filters get dirtier faster in a sand tank

edit; i just read your second post,,, I agree
I like sand! I havn't had any issues with it. But then agin I vacume the whole tank even move the rocks every month to get under and around them. As for filter's havn't had many problems with the sand being an issue I just shortened the intakes on any HOB and keep the Power heads cleaned regularly and everything is fine. I find that my gravel tank's get much more dirty with un eatin food/ and waste imo........

Pool filter sand 3M sand = Ceramic sand.
all you need to do if you have HOB filters is slip a sponge over the intake and it won't get sand in the impeller
swede;3201173; said:
all you need to do if you have HOB filters is slip a sponge over the intake and it won't get sand in the impeller

I do that too! Also another trick is to put poly floss (the white pillow looking material) in the inlet catridge/screen! Walah!
*Alex*;3201090; said:
hehe nobody has mentioned the fact that there isnt just one type of sand......!!!!!! Sure if you get very fine sand it will mess up your tank.... it will clog filters,, it will compact quickly and will not provide oxygen to plant roots... and cus the gass bubles to form ect ect blah blah( to be honest id say the only way these bubles could be very harmful is if some1 took a pile of **** stuck it under the sand and left it there without stiring it up..)i know here in Ireland alot of people get playsand because its very cheap... And it never works out. I just use Aqurium sand i got from my LFS its more expensive but its perfectly fine.... It doesnt cloud up water and go into filter even when my 13" Plecos decided to go a bit crazy..... It anchors the plants roots and lets oxygen reach them! Sand is perfectly fine in aquariums... Just dont get fine sand...(well Depends of setup)! Sicila Sand is very good,,,,!
This post was almost completely ignored it seemed, when you actually made a very good point.
But I still don't see any gas bubbles forming... And how is gas just supposed to form under sand. Sand is light, I'm sure this gas bubble could easily float through the sand.

And anyways, if all these toxins are forming under you sand, WHY would you want to stir them up and release it? Nonsense. This whole topic.
I will only add one thing to the discussion in response to the sand comments.

Leaving sand alone will allow pockets of gasses to form. Yes, you can leave a tank for a long time without stirring the sand. The issue comes about when that sand is finally moved. The gasses will enter the water column and you risk killing inhabitants of the tank. It is better to just stir it up once in a while to be on the safe side.