• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Small clubs need support, too! I would suggest that if you're unhappy with your local club, you join and become an officer so you can enact some changes. Maybe you could invite some guest speakers on topics that interest you, or start a BAP, or join forces with another local club to put on an auction or order items at discount?

Of course, there is no local club with an online forum like MFK, because no local club would have that kind of membership numbers. I agree that there are things you can get here that you wouldn't get from a local club, but please consider also the benefits of networking close to home.

There are some really outstanding local clubs (like the one I'm priveleged to have joined), and they ALL started out as just small groups of people who shared a love of aquarium-keeping. There are also many smaller, less-organized or less well-funded clubs that are just waiting for some new members to breathe some life into them!
Las Vegas is not a very social town. It’s just the nature of the area. Tourist are tourist and locals tend to keep to there selves. It sure would be nice to share the hobby and see others tanks and fish. No club here. :(
Some more clubs for you New England folks. I don't belong to any of these clubs, as they're too far away for me to get to meetings, but I DO go to the annual auctions.


Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society (for those folks out in Western Mass):

New Hampshire Aquarium Society:

Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island (TFSRI):
Titania thanks for sharing the links.

Esse, sorry to say that there are no freshwater clubs in Nevada, but there are several marine clubs. It's too bad, because Las Vegas is my absolute favorite place on earth, and I'm hoping to move there once I get the kids out of the house -- hopefully by then there will be a freshwater club, otherwise, I'll start one!

I don't see anything close to you in Arizona either (again, all marine), or Utah (all marine, except for a guppy club), so I'd have to refer you to California if you want to join and existing club.
dmed;1902912; said:
Titania thanks for sharing the links.

No problem. Supporting the local clubs is something I feel strongly about. I've enjoyed fishkeeping 100x more since I started going to local clubs.

And don't be afraid to give a talk once in a while, folks. You'd be so suprised about what people are interested in! One of the best talks I've been to was one where the speaker talked about how to refurb an old to clean, re-seal, etc. It's just not info a lot of people know...everyone LOVED it! I gave a talk last year to the Boston club about a betta barracks system I had. Again, even people who didn't keep bettas were fascinated by the whole mechanical setup. Everyone has something to offer. :goldfish:
dmed;1902501; said:
Small clubs need support, too! I would suggest that if you're unhappy with your local club, you join and become an officer so you can enact some changes. Maybe you could invite some guest speakers on topics that interest you, or start a BAP, or join forces with another local club to put on an auction or order items at discount?

Of course, there is no local club with an online forum like MFK, because no local club would have that kind of membership numbers. I agree that there are things you can get here that you wouldn't get from a local club, but please consider also the benefits of networking close to home.

There are some really outstanding local clubs (like the one I'm priveleged to have joined), and they ALL started out as just small groups of people who shared a love of aquarium-keeping. There are also many smaller, less-organized or less well-funded clubs that are just waiting for some new members to breathe some life into them!

Yeah, good point. It's not a one way street after all.
They do have an auction coming up. I have never attended as yet, because it interferes with my sleep schedule. But it might deserve some effort on my part.
There may be an active vibrant community in my neighborhood, they just don't use the net much. And I'm missing out because I didn't bother to show up at an advertised event.
I think that is the case. I get the impression from written articles (the way they are written) that these hobbyists are older, or elderly. And perhaps not so fluent with computers as latter generations.
But they might be an untaped resource. Who better to guide my hand than people with decades of experience?
I'll try to get my butt out of bed and check it out.
Spankbelly;1903322; said:
Yeah, good point. It's not a one way street after all.
They do have an auction coming up. I have never attended as yet, because it interferes with my sleep schedule. But it might deserve some effort on my part.
There may be an active vibrant community in my neighborhood, they just don't use the net much. And I'm missing out because I didn't bother to show up at an advertised event.
I think that is the case. I get the impression from written articles (the way they are written) that these hobbyists are older, or elderly. And perhaps not so fluent with computers as latter generations.
But they might be an untaped resource. Who better to guide my hand than people with decades of experience?
I'll try to get my butt out of bed and check it out.

I go to the Worcester Aquarium Society meetings. It's a smaller club, and they currently don't have anyone who has web experience. LOTS of fish experience, but not web design. So, no message board, but they do publish a great newsletter. They're a great group with a lot of enthusiasm and LOTS of fish love and knowledge.

The auctions are a GREAT way to get started in the club scene. You'll die when you see how inexpensively you can pick things up there.
Spankbelly;1903322; said:
I'll try to get my butt out of bed and check it out.


If they're truly all elderly, maybe someone will remember you in their will and bequeath you some awesome fish or a humongous tank!