peta and fishing

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
Bichir whose side are you on here PETA's or the normal people. Making statements like gutted alive really won't help fisherman keep their sport. Those are the things PETA spreads to end fishing.

wild bill

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 4, 2010
three hills,ab. canada
Bichir whose side are you on here PETA's or the normal people. Making statements like gutted alive really won't help fisherman keep their sport. Those are the things PETA spreads to end fishing.


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
People fish for sport (catch and release). Nor are we going to starve if we don't catch that fish for dinner. There's the grocery store.
For a lot of people the woods are the grocery store. I'm still eating venison from last fall, I eat most of the smaller fish I catch, and I have a large garden.

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to say but I like the passion combined with rambling to liven up the lounge.


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Hello; Don't be shy express yourself. These are just your opinions of course. I replied to the thread in order to follow it until it is deleted. Me thinks you have opened a can of worms.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
People fish for sport (catch and release). Nor are we going to starve if we don't catch that fish for dinner. There's the grocery store.
Aaaand what happens to the fish in the grocery store ? Did they meet a better end ? Didnt some one have to gut and scale them ?

Im not big into fishing but my boy is and because of that i love it. I dont get the point that it means we love our pet fish less.

So you're ok with someone else gutting and scaling a fish at the grocery store but not the man thst caught the fish amd intends to eat it ? Lol im confused
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Wailua Boy

MFK Member
Jan 2, 2015
PETA also advocates total animal liberation...Im not opposed to catch and release fishing but restricting fishing for those people in the country/world that dont have access to grocery outlets can be taking food off families tables. If fish stocks are plentiful fishing is a right. I do believe in conservation in to replenish fish stocks but aside from that...
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Wailua Boy

MFK Member
Jan 2, 2015
People fish for sport (catch and release). Nor are we going to starve if we don't catch that fish for dinner. There's the grocery store.
What about the people that live 4 hours from a grocery store but live 10 min from ocean or river? Its called sustainable living involving hunting, fishing and farming.
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Probation Member
Probation Member
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; I no longer fish for food nor do I keep chickens for food. I can afford to go to a grocery store for my food. When young my family raised chickens and pigs which we killed, cleaned and ate. I do not like the mess of cleaning and dressing out meat so I hire out the job by buying from the local Kroger store.

I still can recall between the ages of six to ten cutting off the heads of chickens for my mom. She then would cook them for our meals. It was what many folks did. Even then other folks did not raise or hunt their own food. We moved into the center of town and I guess could no longer keep livestock. I did not mind because we still had my mom's fried chicken from store bought chickens.

To me here is the thing. I do not listen to opera. Some do and must enjoy it. They can listen to opera all they want and I will not interfere. I prefer the instrumental classical music as well as jazz and old rock. So far other folks have not tried to force their opinions about music onto me.
However some folks have decided their points of view about hunting, fishing, keeping pets and the like is in their own mind more "enlightened" than mine. I do not hunt because I do not happen to enjoy it, but I do not care that others hunt. They hunt while I fish and we each go our own way.

If you do not like the hunt or fish, then don't. If you think hunting or fishing for food is cruel, I get it. The animals likely do suffer at various levels. You do not wish to be involved with such things, then near as I can tell no one will force you to hunt or fish. However do not try to "force" your views onto the hunters and fishers of the world. Your so called "moral high ground" is a figment of your imagination.