OMFG Teen Made Cell Phone Calls to Mother While Being Eaten by Bear in Siberia

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 31, 2005
i can see this is gonna become one them topics thats gets crazy.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 4, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
If i couldnt fish in bear country I could only fish near the city


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 7, 2011
well people all over the world hunt...if given the chance they kill...every year around november or so in the how is wildlife any different...


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 7, 2011
i live way out in the country in michigan...there are coyotes all around me...and i know if i go out walking in the woods late at night there is a good possibility that i will see one...So guess what....i don't go walking in the woods at night lol..because i know if i step on a coyote den...bad stuff will happen to me.....ill take any animal you throw at me because as long as you can be knowledgeable about your surroundings and the animals that live in have nothing to worry about.....But im not going to carry a gun with me at all times so i can shoot every animal that i come across in fear that it will eat me someday either..


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 4, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Yeah being knowlegable means killing man eating bears. I have lived in bear country and have lived even deeper in bear country. Coyotes are a joke to a adult.
Ive seen dozens of bears in real life. I am glad none of them were released man eaters.
Im just grateful you dont make any decisions on things like this.... theres prolly a reason im guessing


The Ancient
MFK Member
Oct 17, 2008
Dam, that was sad. :(

Mr. Rain Cloud

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 18, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
so should you kill every bear/wolf/shark/lion that you come across...because if i seen one in real life i would definitely stay a distance away..but they are still predators..and if we encroached on their territory they would tear us up..
im a firm believer in animals having a brain they can think and communicate just like we momma bear and her 3 cubs just got shot because they were doing what they had to survive...Where do you think daddy bear is??? stealing picnic baskets?? hes probably pretty upset....and thats why animals are afraid of humans, is because we just destroy what we don't like..ignoring the whole fact that these animals are PREDATORS ..and when we invade their territory and they feel threatened...they kill...

Lets say a bear walks in your house, your gonna shoot it...then what? you could eat it...or throw it away..
so lets say you walk in a bears house...hes gonna kill you...and he can either eat you...or let scavengers/decomposes/carrion eaters get you...why waste a good meal??
Jrob, the last comment you want to make are yogi bear jokes, seriously? People died and you are making bear jokes?

i live way out in the country in michigan...there are coyotes all around me...and i know if i go out walking in the woods late at night there is a good possibility that i will see one...So guess what....i don't go walking in the woods at night lol..because i know if i step on a coyote den...bad stuff will happen to me.....ill take any animal you throw at me because as long as you can be knowledgeable about your surroundings and the animals that live in have nothing to worry about.....But im not going to carry a gun with me at all times so i can shoot every animal that i come across in fear that it will eat me someday either..
Again Jrob, be realistic. I bet you wouldn't say the same if you had a family with kids around. Who knows, they might completely forget about the predators out there one night, do something stupid, and end up being dinner(that's just one scenario)... I can go deeper, but I think you get the point.

I know killing off animals seems harsh but look at the human race also, a lot of people get killed/murdered for even less or nothing at all. Animals, insects, humans, plants, all of the above have life, if you are talking about balance and morality then you need to open your eyes; everything and everyone is out there to survive.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Jan 13, 2011
so should you kill every bear/wolf/shark/lion that you come across...because if i seen one in real life i would definitely stay a distance away..but they are still predators..and if we encroached on their territory they would tear us up..
im a firm believer in animals having a brain they can think and communicate just like we momma bear and her 3 cubs just got shot because they were doing what they had to survive...Where do you think daddy bear is??? stealing picnic baskets?? hes probably pretty upset....and thats why animals are afraid of humans, is because we just destroy what we don't like..ignoring the whole fact that these animals are PREDATORS ..and when we invade their territory and they feel threatened...they kill...

Lets say a bear walks in your house, your gonna shoot it...then what? you could eat it...or throw it away..
so lets say you walk in a bears house...hes gonna kill you...and he can either eat you...or let scavengers/decomposes/carrion eaters get you...why waste a good meal??
first off, Poppa Bear prolly don't give a fudge. Male Bears prey on cubs and eat them if they can get ahold of them so......

When an animal feels threatened and attack, they don't usually eat what they are scared of. These Bears were EATING them. They saw what they thought was food, and reacted. They didn't feel threatened, they saw FOOD.

when people=food in an animals mind, we have a problem. From this incedent there would be 4 bears that like human flesh. That is a definite no-no. I personally don't feel right killing anything, but if a bear came into my neighborhood and killed someone and ate them, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot that mofo right there and then.

You can't just relocate them either, because A) they'll find their way back and B) their a threat to attack humans in a different area now.

Oh and that last part makes no sense to me, but whatever.


MFK Member
Aug 15, 2009
you know i'm a firm believer in not killing animals but those 4 deserved to die. they attacked and ate 2 humans. its like the grizzly who ate that guy up in the northwest. its rediculous that it takes something like this for people to respect nature. and what happens when mamma bear leaves and the cubs can't find a significant food source? they will attack humans again. and even after all that, i believe it was a joke...
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