Haha my pleasure.Nice thread, love being able to see progress growth im planing on making and diy just for one of these fish my self so this is awesome me just wondering what fish are compatible with these guys also ill be starting my build next month and im down to compare notes, although im still sorting out the details for mine while im offshore so i have a plan to execute when i get back home anyways awesome thread man
For compatible fish any large, non-aggressive current loving fish would do fine. Tarpon, mahseers, payaras and barbs and the like. Juruense and tigrinus catfish mix wonderfully as well. If your tank is big enough that you can have some slack current at the surface, arowanas work wonderfully, too.
Really the hard part isn't finding fish that can survive with GATF, the trick is finding fish that won't stress, bully or out compete the GATF. GATFs tend to be sissies, especially when small. Its always best to establish any ATF first and then try to add tankmates.
Go here for a lot of good reading on caring for ATF!