Cheap plants, less nitrate! POTHOS

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I want to get this going in my Oscar tank to further help get nitrates down. But I have three dogs and a cat. I'm worried about them eating the plant when it grows long. Are there any other plants to do this with that wouldn't harm them if they decided to chew on it?
Spathiphyllum would work
I have a question. I bought pothos from home depot and i was wondering if theres pesticides in these plants when bought from the store.
I have a question. I bought pothos from home depot and i was wondering if theres pesticides in these plants when bought from the store.
Never hear of anyone having issues(poisoning) from pothos. Pesticides are typically applied to the leafs and not the root system, so even if they were treated, it shouldn't be an issue with how we are using it in the aquaria hobby. Since the leaves shouldn't be in the water at all, but rather just most of the root ball.

All my pothos were all purchased at Walmart and I've been using them for nearly 2 years now with no "mystery deaths". Even had a green severum, that one time, got a hold of one of the leaves and ate it up and showed no ill effects.

About 2 years growth? Regular Home Depot Pothos in a pot. The 10G bow sump is full of worm dirt (earth worm tubs) and thats about it. This is fed by a Cascade 1500 canister drawing water from the 125g beneth this sump- the 10G is drilled and a 1" drain installed.
i have to agree....but i'm not an expert of these plants so i have wait and see... i hate to put them on my display tank up top since i have to move the light up there and i don't have any extra space for the lid to open up for the roots to get water...
Okay New Years everyone.. last hour of 2015 i want to retry to keep pothos one last time.. all the other timeS it died on me so hope this new year i get another chance..

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Hard to say from pictures but it looks like you may have submerged the crown or rhizome of the plant. I've had the best luck with two or three inches of extra substrate out of the water and the crown of the plant almost visible on top of that with only white roots submerged... Sorry if i saw wrong
All sorts of monsterea (pothos) and philodendrons, can be used I have at least ten kinds all with different colors shapes and sized leaves. They are both natural understory plants but all seem to handle full sun at least In Hawaii.. Sadly here they are an invasive weed as well as common landscape far as Home Depot goes they use one of the worst pesticides out there in there garden centers but I think it's worst for bees. Oh and the sap of many of both those species can cause skin burns one other reason for the Devils ivy nickname