Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah but a bit late.I think the guy wound up losing his business due to this whole mess.
Yeah it really shouldn't have taken that long.
They have a right to refuse service for any reason and a right to a speedy trial.
If the global warmest are correct, your beach front property will be under water in 5 years.
we already lost half the beaches, the beaches are getting shorter, heck even a military base had to move because everything is sunk underwater.
Yeah it really shouldn't have taken that long.
They have a right to refuse service for any reason and a right to a speedy trial.
Hello; I agree much too long. Justice delayed is justice denied is one old saying.

I think it was the lower courts that kept ruling against the baker. Maybe a little of the insanity will be slowed down if we get more rulings like this.
we already lost half the beaches, the beaches are getting shorter, heck even a military base had to move because everything is sunk underwater.

Hello; back in 1998-99 I worked in NC and live very near Southport NC. There was a beach near Southport with the name Long Beach. On days off I sometimes went to the public access parts of the beach. There were homes on that beach that had ocean water right up to their stilts at high tide. I would go during mild storms in the winter and could see the water going under the houses.
Some homes had been moved back a few hundred feet and others were in the process of being moved. Some also must have not have the money to buy the land of move the house. That was 19 to 20 years ago and I wonder if the ocean got the one house I could see from my parking spot.
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Coastal erosion is the wearing away of material from a coastalprofile including the removal of beach, sand dunes, or sediment by wave action, tidal currents, wave currents, drainage or high winds (see also beach evolution).

This is a normal process, from all I have read its not rising sea levels but erosion, esp in places like Florida. Tho I have seen it happen on the San Diego coastline. having grew up there on the beach. among other places.
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its also important to keep in mind Florida is sinking, esp Miami, and its below sea level in many places and kept dry by man made barriers. you ever look at there many sink holes? dang place built on sand, not the best ground foundation to build on.
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Coastal erosion is the wearing away of material from a coastalprofile including the removal of beach, sand dunes, or sediment by wave action, tidal currents, wave currents, drainage or high winds (see also beach evolution).

This is a normal process, from all I have read its not rising sea levels but erosion, esp in places like Florida. Tho I have seen it happen on the San Diego coastline. having grew up there on the beach. among other places.
Hello; What I saw may have been only costal erosion but there is sea level rise. There are streets in some costal towns that now have sea water on them at high tide. I also recall talk of the naval station at Norfolk VA facing serious problems due to sea level rise.
I have been hearing this rising sea level stuff for 30 years now. back then was in 10 years x will be under water, then 5 years, than what ever years, none of the that real doom and gloom has come to pass. has there been some negligible sea rise? I think so, maybe even a little more, but I feel its cycle global warming.