More tank pics, updated


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
The next round happened today after minor skirmishes. I made another tweak to the main tank, basically 'centralizing' the heaviest cover while leaving things open on both ends. This was because my O found a way to ambush the BP from behind some of the plants. So that access is now cut off.

Did a 65% w/c tonight and had a front row seat. Chip (Sev) follows Brick (O) around and refuses to stay away even when chased. Boss (BP) hangs in his grove or disappears into the jungle along the back wall where his pot is. Brick tries to force himself into the plants...ding ding...Boss shoots out like an orange cannonball. They lock up. I continue to be amazed at how Boss overpowers Brick head to head. Chip stays out of it this time but poor Rex (Syno) gets caught in the middle. Boss goes after him in close but Rex is gone in a flash. So Brick squares up again (one fight is never enough) and its the same...he barely nudges Boss back then gets completely banged back himself. So he slides off with his tail low.

So Brick is now pissy. Rex comes out briefly on the O's side of the tank. Brick charges Rex and gives him a good pop with that maw. I'm monitoring the situation with Rex. He's getting constant nicks, cuts, and scrapes now. He's a tough fish, but either someone is attacking him or he's scraping himself on stuff trying to get away. He eats well (looks like a sausage) and has plenty of hiding places but these constant injuries could be a flag, we'll see. Brick freaks him out now, and he skitters from Boss as well.

I'm giving serious thought to another BP. Not sure if a chocolate will hold its own with these characters.

Brief mention, Patch has laid eggs again. She's nesting in her 'house' so I leave her to her work. During this time she won't eat and will only peek out a couple of times a day.

Just another Saturday night in cichlid city. Hold my beer.
Very descriptive sports coverage of the event. I feel like I was there. Poor Rex. Do you have stress coat or something similar? You probably have it covered. Yeah agree, a chocolate might be too mellow and might go head over tail over head over tail in the whirling dervish.

I did further research on the pictus angelicus and it tops at 4-5 inches.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Very descriptive sports coverage of the event. I feel like I was there. Poor Rex. Do you have stress coat or something similar? You probably have it covered. Yeah agree, a chocolate might be too mellow and might go head over tail over head over tail in the whirling dervish.

I did further research on the pictus angelicus and it tops at 4-5 inches.
Very descriptive sports coverage of the event. I feel like I was there. Poor Rex. Do you have stress coat or something similar? You probably have it covered. Yeah agree, a chocolate might be too mellow and might go head over tail over head over tail in the whirling dervish.

I did further research on the pictus angelicus and it tops at 4-5 inches.
Very descriptive sports coverage of the event. I feel like I was there. Poor Rex. Do you have stress coat or something similar? You probably have it covered. Yeah agree, a chocolate might be too mellow and might go head over tail over head over tail in the whirling dervish.

I did further research on the pictus angelicus and it tops at 4-5 inches.
I'm definitely getting one more fish. Usually I do a full dosage of stress coat each w/c. The syno heals pretty good but I'm seeing more frequent nicks. It could be because of the 'reorganization'. Rex definitely hides a lot more than he did at first. Whatever I get will be decent sized. Both Rex and Chip are growing nicely but Rex isn't at a completely 'safe' size even now that he's bulked up.

A 4-5 inch pictus would be pretty but iffy.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I'm definitely getting one more fish. Usually I do a full dosage of stress coat each w/c. The syno heals pretty good but I'm seeing more frequent nicks. It could be because of the 'reorganization'. Rex definitely hides a lot more than he did at first. Whatever I get will be decent sized. Both Rex and Chip are growing nicely but Rex isn't at a completely 'safe' size even now that he's bulked up.

A 4-5 inch pictus would be pretty but iffy.
Posted 3 times, sorry about that. I posted it and it wasn't going through. I am not sure if it is because it's Sunday and MFK is hot or my device.

Yes, I thought the Pictus Angelicus might be too small--ultimate size for you.

I thought Jexnel's sand looked like Caribsea or Santastik, because I had scouted them out pretty well. You had introed me to the Sandtastik and I had the Caribsea.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
My Ornatus did the same thing, always liked to hide under the biggest fish of the tank, which was Toni of course.
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Also like to do taste test of fish as they swam by with its wiskers.
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Here he is trying to get a taste of me, but tank was in the way......
How can you not love that face? Lol, cute.

Yeah, sometimes my syno Rex will 'swirl' around a fish but they don't like it at all. Wonder why they do that?


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
My Ornatus did the same thing, always liked to hide under the biggest fish of the tank, which was Toni of course.
View attachment 1370857View attachment 1370858
Also like to do taste test of fish as they swam by with its wiskers.
View attachment 1370859
Here he is trying to get a taste of me, but tank was in the way......
Wow, Great shots. My Yo-yos loaches were doing that to my angelfish,-- whiskering, when I transferred them to the tank to swim with the 'the big fishes' when they were grown to the appropriate size.
I had remembered reading at some point that they will remove the slime coating from other fish. It stopped quickly. They may have been sensoring other fish. Familiarising.
I haven't noticed my synodontis Lucipinnis sensoring anyone.
I like your gravel, the colors of the rocks and the colors of beautiful fish. I have similar rocks and gravel with 'spirits' Long Finned Albino Cherry Barbs flying around a pretty intricate castle with several swim throughs and cave.
My gravel is River Gems miniature agates of different shades. What may I ask is yours?


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
I have only read that loaches do some slime coat tasting. Not read that about any of the species of cats. It's possible, they eat most anything.


Alligator Gar
MFK Member
Dec 21, 2018
Washington DC
Well tonight is "Parrot Power". Went downstairs an hour ago to get something from the freezer. They say things aren't always what they seem. When I'm around the tank Brick will usually instigate something with Boss 90 percent of the time. Most of the time it's "peaceful" otherwise. But at night who knows. Well I walked in to witness a thorough butt kicking by Boss. Brick was upended against some plants and zoomed away. This is opposite of what I usually see, Boss looking to avoid Brick.

Chip is also getting fiesty. I use a 'claw' to place or remove plants. All the other fish run from it. He attacks it!

And in decorating news Kong has managed to lift the sponge filter (air intake tube and all) to the top of his canister! These fish are strong. Will take a pic tomorrow.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2018
Well tonight is "Parrot Power". Went downstairs an hour ago to get something from the freezer. They say things aren't always what they seem. When I'm around the tank Brick will usually instigate something with Boss 90 percent of the time. Most of the time it's "peaceful" otherwise. But at night who knows. Well I walked in to witness a thorough butt kicking by Boss. Brick was upended against some plants and zoomed away. This is opposite of what I usually see, Boss looking to avoid Brick.

Chip is also getting fiesty. I use a 'claw' to place or remove plants. All the other fish run from it. He attacks it!

And in decorating news Kong has managed to lift the sponge filter (air intake tube and all) to the top of his canister! These fish are strong. Will take a pic tomorrow.
Sounds like Boss had enough.

Brick keep his distance for a while after a 'lesson.'?

One of my big ones can shift and lift some pretty big things. He is maybe 6 inches. Moves things around to his liking. He would maybe equate to your Kong.
He is Top Dog. Has to have his own tank like Kong. I let him do his thing with the interior. I straighten things every once in a while. Doesn't stay that way long. I didn't post him on your Redecorater thread, because he is isnt a Redecorater, he is a demolition crew all in one. He isnt furious about it. Just very methodical.

Would he qualify? If he does I will put him on there another day.