Do you have access to maracyn (I forget 1 or 2) - that could be more effective on popeye.
Sorry to hear about Corn.
Thanks...he never had a chance which is frustrating. I've found some fish are just more resilient and tough when they get ill. The ones that stress easily are always at high risk. I realize that now that I've researched some on existing pathogens in aquariums. I don't doubt Corn had septicima which has a high mortality rate so I wasn't kidding myself. He might even have died quickly from head trauma because he rammed the glass so hard trying to get away from the net. Just panicked.
The only Maracyn I've been finding is just the regular, not the -2. I've got Kana-Cura on the way which is a variation of Kanaplex and is supposed to be for popeye. Should be arriving tomorrow. I'll do another 'clean' for Rocky and start with this. I don't even see Seachem Sulfaplex available anymore either.