You'd think I would know better...but noooooooooo....
I just had to post my earlier comment about our unseasonably mild and snow-free weather...thus jinxing myself. The forecast called for temps to fall last night and continue colder for a week or so. It even grudgingly admitted that we might see a few flakes this morning...
Last night, the wind picked up, gusting into the 60-kph range, bringing a blowing, stinging, eye-watering mini-blizzard with it. Temp -12C, windchill don'tknowbutdangcold Celsius. We got probably 3 inches of that dry-feeling, tiny-flaked hard snow, the kind that doesn't fall but rather migrates straight sidewise directly from the North Pole and feels and looks like it would make excellent aquarium sand. I rose from the fire to take Duke out for his end-of-the-evening ablutions, and when I opened the door he flinched from the wind, looking up at me as if to say "Can't you please teach me to use the toilet like a civilized being?" He trudged outside unenthusiastically, and while hunching over to do the deed he was watching me at the door like a hawk, making sure that it would be open for him to run immediately back inside...but I then had to go with the scooper and shovel to pick up his fresh turd before it became covered over to lie in wait for an unsuspecting boot next summer. He waited inside watching me; I could almost hear him thinking "See? See? Not much fun out there, is it?"
That snow was never on the forecast, which I had checked only a couple hours before it started, and it still wasn't mentioned
while it was pelting down because I looked again and they just kept saying the same thing. How can the weather geniuses not know about a storm like that?
I'm gonna blame it on AI, which apparently never looks out the window before telling me what the weather is like.
Mid 50s today, high is 73 tomorrow, 23 Celsius. Really not excited ab that
Okay, I am not completely sure that I understand the thought processes of
Homo sapiens californicus so I will just ask: what on earth
don't you like about that?