Official Off Topic Discussion Thread #1


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
Regarding the Algerian female boxer, I have seen no evidence or proof of high testosterone levels. The IBA, whose president is Russian, seem to be the only folks stating this. The following explains why, or at least enough of a reason to question their commentary.

In Algeria, it is illegal to be trans. Just more sad commentary on this story.
Saw she won gold last night, it will probably only add to the controversy.
Its a perfect case of people being outraged about something they know very few real facts about (i am not an expert and dont know the full truth either) and being ridiculously influenced by social media.
My brother in law was ranting about this last week, he is highly educated and a business analyst but gets all his news from facebook. He said he has proof she is biologically male with undropped testicles but couldnt show actual proof. I asked him why he was more outraged by a boxer with abnormal chromosomes but not the fact that amazon paid 0.2% tax on its earnings in australia last year but we paid 33%. on our wages. Apparently "thats a different thing".
I am not a conspiracy theorist but i do wonder if all of these culture war things, from both sides are just a manufactured distraction and a way to keep people divided.


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
I just watched the daily olympic highlights show, i always enjoy the olympics as i have said before.
This year i was impressed by the camaraderie and support the skateboarders have shown to each other, the fact i havent seen any really sore losers or cocky winners. The final stretch of the marathon looked spectacular as they ran to the finish with the paris scenery behind them, they also all showed good sportsmanship as they crossed the line, the wait while they announced the winner of the mens 100mtr and the 2 possible winners stood with their arms around each other was tense and also quite touching. It has been something that has made me feel a bit better about this crappy world for a few weeks, the fact Australia has done so well has been a slight mood booster down here for everyone
But then i got to see the breakdancing and the australian woman entrants bizarre effort, my god i dont like to put down people who are trying their best but it honestly looked like the real entrant hadnt turned up so they got a lady from the canteen, showed her the old movie "beat street" and sent her out there. She got zero points in her 3 heats. To top it off i was just looking at the UK Sun newspaper website and they are saying she looked like a demented toddler.
If anyone has a youtube account please dont post this one!


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
I wouldn't call that break dancing. I feel bad for her because she probably practiced that for years.
I don't think she did Tom. I think Ogertron3000 Ogertron3000 was right, she's actually the canteen lady!!! Lol.

Now if they add making a cup of tea to the Olympic rota, I reckon she might get a medal position, lol.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that link.

My complete and utter lack of interest in watching the Olympics is very occasionally punctuated with brief moments of thinking that perhaps I should take a quick look at what the world is watching, if only to pretend that I give a crap.

Now, just hearing the phrase "Olympic breakdancing" is, all by itself, almost enough to dispel that silly idea....but seeing that clip just sealed the deal.
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MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
Just had a look. This is definitely worth sharing, and yes, definitely canteen lady standard, lol.

Don't be embarrassed, you're not even Australian.....fortunately, lol.

My international sporting allegiances change depending on the sport. As i was born in england but moved here when i was 7 i an technically english but that was 40 years ago. I spent 1999-2003 living in england doing the young man travelling scene which did sort of boost my sense of being english again.
For any international soccer its always england.
For most other things especially the olympics its australia, not cricket though (which i find boring), the aus cricket team are so arrogant and always cry when things dont go their way i take great pleasure in watching them lose.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting that link.

My complete and utter lack of interest in watching the Olympics is very occasionally punctuated with brief moments of thinking that perhaps I should take a quick look at what the world is watching, if only to pretend that I give a crap.

Now, just hearing the phrase "Olympic breakdancing" is, all by itself, almost enough to dispel that silly idea....but seeing that clip just sealed the deal.
If you really thing about it breakdancing is really just a form of gymnastics, it involves the same basic skills, strength and coordination, apparently it was a one off and wont be in any more olympics.
It was meant to pull in a younger audience but they say the skateboarding did that much better.

I wouldn't call that break dancing. I feel bad for her because she probably practiced that for years.
I dont know what you would call it? The aussie olympic boss said she represented australia "with courage and enthusiasm" personally i wish she had represented us in breakdancing.......
My suspicion is it was a publicity stunt on her behalf to get some quick sponsorship and advertising deals as she is suddenly a global talking point. It would be more lucrative than an actual gold medal, its funny as she is everywhere on any news website you can find but i dont even know who actually won the gold.
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