
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Troy1015

    Troy1015 Poly Thread

    Hopefully I can chronicle my poly and enjoy sharing with you. Been back in the hobby for almost a year now and have went through many buy and sell and am settling in on a pretty permanent long term set up with a few more pieces to add over the next few months or hopefully by end of the year...
  2. SolidSnek

    Catfish with a Delhezi?

    So i have recently been posting a lot, about Predatory fish and i decided to go with a Polypterus Delhezi. And i sorta want a catfish that wouldn't be eaten by the Bichir and doesn't bully the Bichir. The Dimensions of the Aquarium are [these are in cm btw] 120x50x50 Any help/ideas will be...
  3. IronRanger

    AnalFin GONE!

    Hi guys I've just bought a baby Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri from my local pet store and after i went home i realise that my endlicheri only have its left anal fin while the right 1 is completely gone... I'm wondering if u guys know if the anal fin will ever grow back or it's gonna be a gone...
  4. clm08k

    CB albino ate a flourish tab

    My 6inch CB albino Senegal -who eats everything-decided to eat a Seachem flourish tab. He eats sand for fun and dug a fertilizer tab up and ate it. He’s looked like this for 72 hours. Haven’t fed him. Please help. He looks like he’s fat, but the bump is about an inch from his pec fin. I do...
  5. AquaScape

    Africa Shipment In! Polys, Oddballs, and More!

    Blue Neon Nigripinnis- 2"-2.5" - $65.oo Pearl Line Lamprologus- 2" - $8.oo Ea. or 3/$21.oo West African Lungfish(annectens)- 12" - $OLD OUT West African Lungfish(annectens)- 14" - $OLD OUT Slender Lungfish(dolloi)- 10" - $85.oo Trunkfish(Mormyrus...
  6. B

    Possible 125 Gallon Project...

    I've been thinking about it lately and I think I want to put together my first "monster" tank. I think the jump from 55 to 125 (6ft) isn't too crazy and greatly widens my stocking selections. To narrow it down I'd like to stock SA/CA cichlids. Filtration: I'm trying to decide between a Fluval...
  7. MooseTheWizard

    Senegal Anal Fin Lump

    My senegal has a lump on her anal fin. He's had it since I got him (6-8 months ago) and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. I cannot tell with 100% certainty if it's grown, but it doesn't seem to have. I can't see any other lumps externally. I am wondering if anyone knows exactly what...
  8. BichirChick

    My bichirs are growing really slow

    I have had a Senegal and a “gold dust” bichir for about a year now and they are still pretty small. The Senegal has grown from a little baby to about 5” or so, and he out grown the gold dust in circumference and length even though the gold one was bigger originally when I got him. The gold one...
  9. D

    How many Bichirs could I have in a 150 gallon?

    Hello all! I have a fully cycled 150 gallon tank with 4 angels and 5 clown loaches. I have a BGK and will be getting some Bichirs, so here is my question. How many Bichirs could I get and not be pushing an unhealthy stocking level? Only upper jaws. Nothing huge. I have a sponge filter, 575 gph...
  10. T

    Name these plz?

    heu guys getting back into fish here and I got some dels I think but one was sold to me as a del and the other was an endi. Just curious thanks :)
  11. N

    Suggestions for rare fish to buy

    Setting up a 300 gal which will house 3-4 SB datnoids, a platinum bichir, and a SB silver aro. What rare fish do you think I could add that would look cool? I like the look of platinum fish and am open to suggestions. Thanks!
  12. A

    Favorite Silver Arowana Tankmates?

    Ok, long-time reader but new member to MFK, so I apologize for any faux pas. I've finally picked up my own silver arowana, under two friggin' inches! I've been eventually planning for one so I've done a fair amount of research (and or course have long-term plans for housing) but the biggest...
  13. D

    Knife Fish Compatibility

    Hello all! I am slowly stocking my 150 gallon tank and I was wondering if a BGK would be detrimental to the health of my other fish. I currently have six 1.5-2" clown loaches, and four angelfish. I will be adding 3-4 ropefish, and 1-2 bichirs, and maybe 1-2 pearl gouramis. My question is...
  14. B

    Giving your bichir a name

    When I think about one of my bichirs, I don't have the instinct to give it a name. I also think it's normal to call them "it" instead of "he" or "she". I tried thinking of a name for the plumper one because it looked kinda cute that way, but never finalized it. The normal looking one, I never...
  15. D

    Bichir tank setup.

    Hello all! I'm new here and while having owned aquariums for many years, I am new to Bichir. I have a 150 gallon tank and am trying to figure out what to stock it with. I have 4 angelfish and most likely will add one or two more. I would like to get 3-5 clown loaches, and 2-3 Bichir, a BGK...
  16. IFLAquatics

    Dovii thread

    Okay guys so I have two Dovii, the female (I think) is super chill (for a wolf) and won't defend herself against my male. She just hides behind the filter the whole day. So I moved her into the community fight ring. Which would be the overstocked 75 full of a-holes and monsters. Well she's doing...
  17. D

    Bichir found dead w/ pics

    I have a 125 gallon tank for about 4 months now and haven’t had too many problems after a month in. Today I fed them as i usually do flakes, pellets and some live minnows. Often ill substitute flakes and pellets w blood worms and brine shrimp. I came home an hour later to my bichir upside down...
  18. Jacob._.merc

    Delhezi with africans

    Would a small delhezi (4.1 inches) be able to cope with 2 mbunas and 2 peacocks? They're each about 3 1/2 to 5 inches.
  19. MooseTheWizard

    Ropefish Care Website

    Previously I posted a thread asking for photos of ropefish to be used in a care website I was creating. I have now finished the website, and would like to share it with the community. Any suggestions or criticism are welcome. Also please let me know if something isn't working as intended, or...
  20. Josh's Fish

    Feature your Bichir Photographs in a book!

    Hi everyone and Happy New Year! I am working on something exciting for you all. It is a chance for you to get your photographs featured in a short book on Polypterids. It is a care guide and species identification booklet serving as an updated and expanded version of the care sheets from the...