
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. jmf

    What to do with lol

    Hi Everyone, What do you guys do with your fry? I have guppies and multis being typical guppies and multis. I have fry coming out of my ears lol. I had read somewhere that multi's will only have enough babies that the tank size would allow. I see now that is incorrect, as I have so many and...
  2. M

    Yellow lab is not herself...

    So, after this last time of holding eggs for a month, my female yellow lab has been withdrawn. She is not eating well. She stays away from the other fish when they eat. She will only occasionally grab food off of the bottom. Since she had been holding eggs, we got 2 new fish. They have...
  3. T

    Breeding Mealworms

    Hi Friends, I need suggestions from you all. I would like to breed mealworms for my fish. How to breed mealworms and how to save it from red ants. Because last time red ants are spoil my entire mealworms culture. So how to save it and what is the suitable temperature for mealworms breeding...
  4. D

    Electric Blue Acara x Green Terror Hybrid?

    Hi guys, so I have a Electric Blue Acara and a Green Terror. They occasionally show breeding behaviors. Especially the Green Terror. He would shake like crazy and sometimes bite on something and shake. Meanwhile, the Electric Blue Acara seems like it's mimicking the Green Terror. Is it possible...
  5. reapertheoscar


    My oscars have laid eggs twice now neither times have been successful I've been observing alot more now to find out what's going on below I'll have pictures and maybe someone can tell me what they think is happening
  6. joegriggs

    Longfin/Veil Tailed Chili Red Oscar

    I've managed to pick up a really nice specimen "chili" red Oscar, and it's the veil tailed/long finned variant. I'll get some pictures up as soon as he/she arrives tomorrow. For any potential plans that I may have in the future for breeding, I was wondering if I could get some of my fellow MFK...
  7. The Dave

    Golden Wonder Killifish Leaping Out Of The Water To Catch Live Crickets !

    A Fish With Three Eyes ! Killifish are some of the most colorful and interesting freshwater fish that we have in the hobby. In fact, some species could very well be the most colorful freshwater fish on the planet ! However, they are rarely seen in stores, so very few of us are familiar with...
  8. reapertheoscar

    Oscars breed unintentionally

    Okay let me give you a background, I bought 2 albino oscars before Christmas, I got 2 for the price of one, there about 8 to 10 inches long, I noticed they moved gravel and they were vibrating there tails so I thought they were going to breed but I've never had this happen before so it was a...
  9. spencer0t

    Red terror wanting to spawn????

    i had picked up this male red terror on Saturday and I. Came home today and saw this this is the first pit he has dug in the tank and I was wondering if he wants to spawn maybe someone could tell me as of right now he is the only one in the tank here are the pics
  10. spencer0t

    Pair of cichlids

    are there any aggressive south/Central American cichlid pair that I can house in a 75 gallon
  11. Tomt37

    Fry food - is live essential .. best kinds etc - opinions - results

    Recently started breeding projects again - what are your thoughts on first stage feeding - is dry food enough - only live brineshrimp? A mix of both? Anyone tried ocean nutrition prehatched brineshrimp.. hikari first bites? Any others? Tips for microworms etc - just looking for feeding tips...
  12. Tomt37

    Breeding blue acaras

    So blue acaras laid eggs on Sunday night Monday morning ... wriggler stage happened about wed/thurs .. should I be worried they aren't free swimming yet .. they are still wriggling away but seem caught up together and some even caught on hair (long cat hair) which managed to get into the tub I'm...
  13. AshKetchum


    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: WC Gold Saum Green Terror Pair What are your prices?: 75 Where are you located?: Hawthorne, New Jersey Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Selling my WC Gold Saum Green Terror Pair as I want to give them to...
  14. A


    Please post any contact info for registered black bar endler breeders...
  15. S

    New Breeding Tank

    Going to be building a new tank over the summer, and I am leaning towards a community tank with a pair of chocolates. I also really like geophagus, so I was thinking about a school of those with a school of tetras for the top of the water column. But maybe you can convince me otherwise. Tank...
  16. Josh's Fish

    Bichir Breeding Information - Post your experiences!

    As many of you know, hobbyist breeding Bichirs can be difficult, but raising them can be even harder. I hope this thread can be a collection of information on breeding requirements for them. How do you sex them? Males have a wide, muscular/fat anal fin and sometimes a pointed tailfin tip...
  17. Bryan Crownover

    The king of cories

    Anyone ever owned or bred a scleromystax barbatus? I've always loved cories and when I saw this fish for the first time, it didn't have a name in english with it so I had to hunt the web for a few days to find the name. Now that I know the rarity and have found places to obtain them I plan on...
  18. J

    FREE | Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black) | $0 | SoCal, CA | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FREE What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Stand and Canopy for a 6 foot x 18" tank (Black) What are your prices?: 0 Where are you located?: SoCal, CA Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Look what I found, wish I can pick up? Good Luck whoever gets it...
  19. Sizzy905

    Can anyone identify male and female angels?

    Hi I have four angelfish in a 75 gallon along with other small fish. ive been hoping to get a pair out of these two pearls ale/kois. Now I'm wondering whether they're even make and female to begin with. Can anyone tell me? The first picture is what I think is my male. Second and third is what I...
  20. A

    How to pair up angels for breeding?

    Hi guys I have about 30 of them and thay are about 5-8 months old, is there anyway to make them pair up and eventually have a breeding pair ?