
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Iamfish

    My Eba

    Just sharing this great shot of my lovely female Eba.
  2. BlueJacks

    FS- 7inch Green Terror P/U Haverhill Mass

    7inch Male Green Terror Selling because I have 2 males and they aren’t friendly towards one another. Willing to trade for a 5 plus inch female. $100 or BO
  3. Jacob._.merc

    African cichlid floating

    I have a dragon blood African cichlid in a 20g for now. I had to move him from a large terror blood parrot. They used to be housed in a 40 gallon but the blood parrot got mean and chased him around. I didn't see what the problem was, the blood parrot clearly has no way of inflicting damage to...
  4. Nilsafeller

    Is this normal egg laying?

    Is it normal for Jack's to lay eggs on side glass? I have tons of flat surfaces in the tank... but she chose the glass instead lol
  5. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Trying out this aquarium photography thing

    Going to be exploring something different and trying aquarium photography, these pictures are of some of the fish in my 125. Let me know what y’all think
  6. amazontank

    Midas Cichlid Rehome

    Carlsbad, California 92009 Looking to re-home this Midas Cichlid Must have a nice tank for fish please. Pm details of your setup please!
  7. B

    New Oscar Keeper

    I bought a 60 gallon tank because it was mega cheap (price matched from an online shop that had it on sale $200 off, whoop whoop) and I'm now planning what to put in it. I think I've decided that I would really like an Oscar. I've been doing my research and so far have learned that 60 gallons is...
  8. LBDave

    Fish Food - Thiamine/ Thiaminase

    Great thread I read recently has some good info on feeders and nutrition. Had me reading up. The Piranha Nutrition Thread Also had me looking for Thiamine (B1) containing foods and good warning to me regarding freeze dried minnows/ thiaminase. Not sure the freeze dried process neutralizes this...
  9. Nilsafeller

    Tattooed parrots....cruel?

    Came across these tattooed parrots at my lfs... not a parrot fan anyways but I've heard of .y lfs selling tattooed fish before... isnt this kind of cruel? I dont even get it tbh... hybrids are one thing but tattooing?
  10. F

    My new flowerhorn ‘kamfa’

    Hey guys, picked up this guy after going off flowerhorns for a really long time after my last fh passed away due to Hex. I kept myself away from the temptation to ever buy a flowerhorn(my soul fish) and switched to Arowanas but well, destiny had other plans and I got drawn into another FH! My...
  11. Norrell Williams

    Does anyone keep parachromis friedrichsthalii patanos

    I have a pair coming in soon just wanted a little more info on them not much info on the web about them
  12. D

    Possible Jack dempsey hybrid?

    The first couple images are of the jack Dempsey that I believe is possibly a hybrid? And the last couple images are of my regular jack dempsey that I purchased at the same time, from the same store, and was in the same tank as the other. Both were labeled as jack dempsey. Any thoughts?
  13. Zak03

    I need pleco ideas and advice

    So, I want to get a pleco that will go into a tank with my Oscar Cichlid and sun cats. The fish (Oscar and cats) are small at this point: 2”. But Imma still need a fish that’s going to grow big enough to not be hassled by the other fish. And I would also like the pleco to not be a...
  14. Mr geophagus

    How do I breed Kribensis Cichlids?

    Hi. I recently got a breeding pair of Kribensis Cichlids. Is there any advice or tips and tricks for breeding them? Tank size, ph, kh, gh, tankmates, etc.?
  15. RubyRuby234

    New Addition to the Fish Family

    My new BEAUTIFUL Jaguar Cichlid!! So happy welcome to the family Jet!
  16. RubyRuby234

    My new addition to our Fish Family!!

    My new BEAUTIFUL Jaguar Cichlid!! So happy welcome to the family Jet!
  17. Nilsafeller

    Post your flowerhorn

    Just thought it be nice to see some beautiful flowerhorn... here is my big boy monzie before he passed R.I.P.
  18. Iamfish

    Peaceful cichlid for 55 gallon?

    Looking for another active fish for my 55 gallon tank. I have loved my electric blue acara and was wondering what other species of cichlid have similar behavior to eba. I have some ideas but was wondering if anyone has personal experience with any fish they would recommend. Thanks in advance :)
  19. CassowaryHunter

    Tandanus Catfish Sick!!!

    So this is my Tandanus Catfish, he currently resides in a 4ft Cichlid tank featuring 1 Venustus, 1 Firemouth, 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Tiger Oscar, and 2 marbled peacocks, sun sun canister filter (403b maybe, came second hand), he is getting worse, I know he shouldnts be in this tank with these fish so...