
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. huntery18

    update on jack dempseys

    well as much as id like to be able to tell you my female (i assume shes a female) JD has paired up with one of my other 3 i cant. aggression levels in the tank are starting to rise as i watch everyone take turn at lip locking to prove who's the boss of my tank, 3 of the four of my Jack Dempsey's...
  2. T

    Florwehorn Injured himself.. help

    Hello.. My Florwerhorn just injured himself on a gravel hoover while i was away from the tank.. Its definitely through the scales and into the flesh.. but not too deep.. Has anyone any experience with treating flesh wounds and how i can make sure it doesn't get infected.. would be absolutely...
  3. S

    EBJD growth and true max size

    I see dozens of posts about EBJD, but it seems quite hard to find any full grown adults. In fact I find it near impossible to find pictures of any much bigger than 4”. This is mine, a little over 5”, around 14 months old. If anyone has any pictures of bigger ones, or can give a good idea of...
  4. AquaScape

    10/25/18 CURRENT STOCK-LIST!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies (Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $10.oo Ea. Or 10/$80.oo 2”-3” $30.oo Ea. Or 4/$100.oo Caribe (Pygocentrus Notatus) 8”-9” ON SALE **$200.oo Ea.** Piraya (Pygocentrus piraya) 5”-6”...
  5. Justepic

    Easiest cichlid to breed?

    I would like to start breeding cichlids and originally I was going to go for Jewels but just wanted to know- What is the easiest cichlid to breed (in your opinion) and also no fish that need more than 45 gallons
  6. C

    Jaguar Pair

    is my jaguar cichlids pair. I just got them so their stressed right now but they don’t stop following each other.
  7. Kiryoku

    Female Electric Blue Kamfa Flowerhorn. NYC

    5 inch female electric blue kamfa flowerhorn for sale. $80 firm if i come to you, price is negotiable if you come to me. Brooklyn, NY, 11223. Contact me here or Discord @Vincent#9930
  8. S

    Black convict/ possibly hybrid identification?

    Hey guys, i ordered a few black convicts from liveaquaria a while back, as they matured both developed orange on the sides so I assumed they were female, well one day I noticed one of them was starting to pick up some odd coloration I've never had on a convict, especially not a female. Well now...
  9. K

    Red severum white areas of tissue damage

    Hello all. My red severum (full adult - about 8-10 inches) is very sluggish, sitting on the bottom and gasping. It has these white areas behind the eye. Other fishes seem ok. It is a blood parrot/severum tank. I think this fish is probably gone, but I would liek to know what this is. Is it a...
  10. C

    Identifying sex on 6 inch red devil

    Hi guys I recently put this red devil in my 125 was wondering if you could help sex it, thanks
  11. C

    Flowerhorn Quality Comparison

    which flowerhorn should I breed or which has a higher quality. Around 5 inches
  12. C

    fowerhorn questions

    Hey guys I have 2 male flowerhorns one about 5 inches the other about 2.5-3 inches. I was wondering if you guys can tell me if these look like quality specimens and if you guys can help me out telling me what strains they are ... thanks
  13. J

    Need help identifying my flowerhorn, M/F, HOW OLD ?

    Need help identifying my 4-5 '' flowerhorn, M/F, HOW OLD ?
  14. R

    Is my flowerhorn fading?

    My flowerhorn I’ve had for 3 months has gotten really big and his color is turning white. Is he “Fading” or something else ? Help please
  15. B

    Help, sick green terror

    Noticing some fading on him, his orange tips are now white at the ends??? He seems very interested in food but spits it all back out after eating. He has long white stringy poop. And somewhat normal behaviors, been treating with melafix api, no help, any ideas!?!?
  16. GoldFinger

    Can anyone identify this CLEAR WORM??

    Hey Guys I have a completely see through clear looking worm in my hospital tank. I have been treating a sick paratalapia Cichlid with an unknown issue for weeks now doing seperate treatments of melafix, paragaurd, Kanaplex and salt. Oddly enough the filter just stopped working yesterday but I...
  17. R

    Flowerhorn body shape

    I got my flowerhorn from a friend about a week ago and started wondering what type of flowerhorn he is and will his body shape improve? not talking about the hump(kok) or the coloring but the actual body. Will it get better once it gets bigger? Thank you for the answers
  18. AquaScape

    The Indian Canara Pearl Cichlid....!!!!

    The Canara Pearl Cichlid these gems are quite rare in the hobby are rarely seen available for sale! They are about 2 inches in length and are available for $30.oo Ea. Or 4/$100.oo They prefer a more neutral pH though ranging from around 6.2 - 7.5, thrive in water temperatures between 72...
  19. AquaScape

    Stock-List 08/10/18

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo Ea. Or 10/$70.oo 1"-2" $12.oo Ea. Or 10/$100.oo Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 2”-3” $35.oo Ea. Lobetoothed Piranha(Pygopristis denticulate) 3”-4"...
  20. Dennis Kraemer

    Cichlids with a Bullhead??

    Hey guys I have been thinking about fish for my new 75. I have never kept Cichlids and I was wondering if they could stay with my bullhead (pic above). I love peacocks but I am open to suggestions on species and how many fish I can put in there