
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. M

    Need help stocking 65 gal

    Hey guys, this is my first post on here, so if I'm doing anything wrong let me know (even though I've spent multiple hours on the website). Anyways, I was wondering what kind of cichlid I should get for my 65 gallon tank. The dimensions of the tank are 48x18x24, and in 6 months I'll have a 6ft...
  2. S

    What fish I can keep in my tank?

    Hi all! I'm new here and hoping to get some advice. I'll try to keep this short.... 75 gallon tank with a 12 inch Jaguar cichlid and 6 inch Jack Dempsey cichlid (and 12 inch pleco and 6 inch synodontas catfish). Trying to decide what to do with the tank from here. I've had the JD for a few years...
  3. B

    Jaguar cichlid sexing

    Hi, just wondering if anyone could help me with the sexing of my young jaguar cichlid. Around 7-8cm long
  4. E

    Crenicichla Saxatilis & Petinia Splendina

    Hi all, first post in the group, so bear with my over-explanation. What would be the minimum tank size for a saxatilis pike and red bay snook? The largest tank I have is a 135g, home to a few small bichir and a couple silver dollars (I can move the SDs back to my Malawi tank if they need to be...
  5. RubyRuby234

    My New Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!!

    Say hello to Turquiose!! She is my new Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!! She is beautiful and a little stinker! My other fish were following her all day yesterday it was so cute! She ate right away, and seems to be fitting in well with a sub group of my fish in the tank! So happy!! Happy Birthday...
  6. T

    Buying and rescuing cichlids from badly maintained tanks

    Hello, New here, been growing n breeding cichlids for a while now, ive recently aquired a new hobby of buying pale looking cichlids from poorly maintained tanks that dont look great, they may have been bullied and probably been fed cheap food as well. I bought a medium sized JD (6-7 inches) and...
  7. Zak03

    Feeding my Sun Cat problems

    So I have a sun cat with 2 oscars. All three fish are about the same size 3-4" ( sun cat is slightly smaller). But im having trouble feeding my sun cat. I researched that you should feed the catfish so that it should always have slight bump in the belly. i havent able to acheive that. i feed my...
  8. J

    Advice on Green Terror for new American Cichlid owner

    Hi, I’m new to the forum and rather new to aquariums and fish as a whole. I’ve had cichlids for about a year and a half now. I had mainly Africans but due to me moving I’ve sadly lost all but 2 of my Africans due to the stress of it all (luckily they left a surprise behind them with 4 fry that...
  9. W

    My new 125 gallon aquarium

    Yesterday i got a 125 gallon aquarium off of craiglist with a stand and filter and a lid. It is 72" 18" 22". I want to get some cichlids for it. I either want to do peacocks and haps or central and south american cichlids. For peacocks and haps I was thinking about doing a few different types of...
  10. T

    Help identifying Cichlids

    i purchased these under the assumption from what the LFS Aja’s told me we’re jack Dempsey’s. After looking into the coloration and breeds I’m starting to think they are GT saums. May someone please help me identify what I may have so I can find suitable tank mates for them. I have a 205 gal set...
  11. Zak03

    Feeding Oscar Cichlid Problems

    I have two baby oscars, both around 2" long. I got them a week ago. I am having trouble feeding them. I feed them in the mornign when i wake up, and the evening Usually when i go to bed, but not always that late. I bought cichlid pellets that float at first, but after they sit in the water for...
  12. Zak03

    Noob at Cichlids and Sun Cats

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I got a 40-gallon tank with 2 baby Oscars (tiger and red) and 1baby sun catfish (aka eclipse catfish). I know, the tank will be too small eventually, but I plan on moving them into a bigger tank-75 gallons or possibly more-when the Oscars get bigger. I am new to both...
  13. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

  14. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

    I cleaned the tank and moved some things around. Well two fish that shall remain nameless were unhappy with my design and south to fix it! Sassy girls!!
  15. Adam GR

    Please help identify that fish..

    Hi everyone, could you please help me find out what fish it is? Those two was sold as Lwanda aulonocara but after 3 weeks in my tank I can see diffrences between those 2 and my other juvi peacocks. On my amateur eye it is some mbuna species. Those fishes are just starting geting some color and...
  16. vinnie coyle

    My New Thai Silk Juvenile - Male??

    Hey, I have just purchased a new Thai Silk Flowerhorn, expecting delivery on Tuesday. I have attached a few pics and a youtube link below.. It is sold as un-sexed due to only being 7.5cm, and cant be properly vetted. I would like to get you guy's options on the sex and quality? I would...
  17. dassalmon

    FS/FT Big EBJD -$100

    Testing the waters on my big EBJD. 7” Open to trades for pike cichlids or true parrots and other offers. Located in Philadelphia. I’m Text at : (215)740-6419
  18. blazin_dragon18

    FS WC pike cichlids pick up CA 91790

    I have two wild caught pike cichlids for sale, one red, one belly crawler. Red for $80, belly crawler for $60 Pick up only CA 91790 I'll Try to get better pictures later, they r still stressed from the moving as of now.
  19. Sarah J

    left off filter for 24h

    Ok, so I did a big water change last night to help with my fish whom aren't doing as well. I was so proud of myself until I just got home from work. The water column is filthy and there is a white film across my lava rock and accumulating on the lower glass. I didn't understand what was going on...
  20. T

    Large Fish For 55 Gallon Tank?

    Hey! i'm planning on getting a 55 gallon aquarium (Juwel Rio 240) but don't know what fish to put in the tank... I've considered a Silver Arowana but i know that the tank definitely wouldn't be big enough as they grow very fast, I've also thought about keeping 1 Tiger Oscar with around 5...