
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Flowerhorn Opinion

    I picked up this Titanium/Thai Silk flowerhorn at my lfs about a month ago. Had no signs of a nuchal hump when i got it. Its about 2.5in or so. Just wanted to get some opinions on quality, maybe sex.
  2. Capt_Rick_Dixie

    Welp, I guess I own a Red Dragon fh now

    Hey guys! My lfs has had this Red Dragon since he was about the size of a dime, he's about 3" now. Nobody has shown any Interest in him so in order to make room for a new shipment the owner told me that she'd drop him from $80 and sell him to me for $25. I couldn't really pass him up. He was...
  3. baxtor_lex

    Midevil Sexing

    Hi again guys, so quick transition from community, to convict, back to a nice "midas" But this one is throwing me, it was twice the size of its "siblings" and the forehead (i thought small kok growth) instantly made me think male, so very excited i bought it, but now a tube has appeared and i...
  4. J

    Texas cichlid HELP

    I have 1 male and 1 female texas cichlid alone in a 4 foot tank and the male won't stop trying to kill the female . They are divided at the moment and no matter how long I wait ( they've been divided for months ) he still tries to kill her . The water parameters and temp are all perfect . What...
  5. E


    He has been losing pieces of his tail/fins everyday I thought he was being bullied so I separated him but he keeps losing more chunks of his tail. PLEASE HELP.
  6. baxtor_lex

    Abit of a easy one - Convict Sexing

    Hi guys and girls hope you've all been well. After loosing my big RD hybrid i went into community fish for a little while, but iv started to get the cichlid itch again and ended up buying a little convict. Hopefully going to get a nice tank set up for it with possibly some firemouths but at the...
  7. raja

    Golden trimac =______x______

    What were the cichlids used to create a golden trimac? My guess is trimac x red devil and some inbreeding. What do you think?
  8. raja

    What strain is my flowerhorn?

    I bought him a week ago, the seller said it's a male SRD but to me it looks like a short body / bonsai, can you guys help me identify please.
  9. C

    Salvini Cichlids and Corys?

    i have a salvini cichlid and I was wondering if they can be kept peacefully with corys. I want to get long fin albino corys. Thanks.
  10. joegriggs

    Carpintis in 200 gal community

    Just moved this guy/gal into my 200 gal community, I'd say around just over 3" ATM. Might start to use this thread to timeline his progress as he grows. Starting to show some real potential imo. I'll hopefully get some better pics today once settled. Let me know what you think?
  11. rucus

    Help with ID

    Hey guys, just getting back into the hobby after a break due to a tank busting in my living room, but that's a thread for another day. I picked this guy up at a local fish store. They told me it was red tail borleyi but I'm having my doubts. He's about 2 inches long and has good color showing...
  12. Miks786

    White Shrimp

    Hey guys Has anyone used this white shrimp before from ocean nutrition? Is it any good for fish growth?
  13. cro117

    FS | 6" Electric Blue Acara & same size regular Blue Acara | $45 | 93560 | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: 6" Electric Blue Acara & same size regular Blue Acara What are your prices?: 45 Where are you located?: 93560 Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: i have a 6in electric blue acara and same size regular acara i'm...
  14. headlessblade

    Red Texas x super red dragon

    They stopped fighting and started to prepare the tank for breeding :) . Red Texas x super red dragon flowerhorn Cichlids
  15. headlessblade

    Red Texas pair

    10" each male left female right. Let's hope they make some babies :)
  16. M

    Couple questions before I drill

    I have some final numbers I wanted to run by you guys. I have a 220 I am setting up with a 55 that I'm turning into a wet sump. I have a jaebo dcs-1200 return pump in route. I know it's not the best pump but if it gets me through a year I'll be happy. My overflow is a eclipse L from...
  17. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    What would you grade my flowerhorn

    My 3 inch red dragon flowerhorn I've had 3 days what would you grade him
  18. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    The truth about flowerhorn kok/head grwoth

    Here to address the situation of flowerhorn head growth, how it happens and what you can do to try to increase size and colour. FIRST OF ALL the most important factor in flowerhorn kok growth is genetics it is important to understand not all flowerhorn will grow a kok or a desirable size kok for...
  19. Zachk29


    I have a pair of firemouth cichlids about 3 inches long in a 55 gallon tank. I need help picking out tank mates for them. I believe I have a male and female but I'm not sure. I was wondering what would be good tankmates for my pair?
  20. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    WTB: Any oddball fish for sale UK

    Has anybody got any oddball, predatory,monster fish for sale/rehoming in the UK all types considered