Hi guys, so I have a Electric Blue Acara and a Green Terror. They occasionally show breeding behaviors. Especially the Green Terror. He would shake like crazy and sometimes bite on something and shake. Meanwhile, the Electric Blue Acara seems like it's mimicking the Green Terror. Is it possible...
Guys in your opinion can we make a new breed of Oscars from selective breeding of them,
Guys let me know you ideas and I some are suitable then let's give it a try.
Is that legal to creat a new strain of cichlid at your fishroom or do you need some kind of permits
aquatank boys
breeding cichlids
breeding oscars
central american cichlidscichlids
oscar and bicher behavior
oscar breeding behavior
oscar strains
south american chichlid
Hey all,
For any of you that keep South American fish, there is a massive field guide coming out for identifying fish from the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas regions. This should be a major upgrade from books focusing on only the commonly-imported aquarium fish. Really, nothing this in-depth has...
I haven't posted in quite some time, so hello again fellow MFKers!
I've finally thinned down my synspila growouts down to this guy right here. I had a healthy batch of red head fry growing out for quite some time, but as they got bigger I thinned them down to keep up with the tank load. I had...
Recently started breeding projects again - what are your thoughts on first stage feeding - is dry food enough - only live brineshrimp? A mix of both? Anyone tried ocean nutrition prehatched brineshrimp.. hikari first bites? Any others? Tips for microworms etc - just looking for feeding tips...
Is it possible to house a jag, two oscars and two green terrors in a nearly 8ft 600L tank with 1000L of filtration and using dividers at first to lower aggression?
I've heard you can have an oscar in a 75g and then for every other oscar you only need an extra 30g with good filtration and...
Hey guys! I was wondering can I keep my RTG with few SA nd CA cichlids. I have a 8" RTG
I'm thinking to add two 4" oscars, one 3" G Gourami, one 3" Severum, one 2" jaguar, one 2" red devil, one 2" Texas and one 3" green terror! My arowana is currently with a bichir senegalus bichir and it keeps...
I recently started a 55 gallon cichlid tank and have 14 fishes (8 2-inch mbunas, 4 2-3 inch haps, 1 pleco, 1 small green terror). Is the tank overstocked or can i add few more fishes?
I bought Northfin cichlid formula, veggie formula, and krill gold formula (i heard a lot of good reviews of...
My tank setup right now is a 75g including two blood parrots (between 3-4 inches), one green terror (4 inches), and three silvers around the diameter of 4 inches. I've been feeding blood worms/brine shrimp once a day, and pellets maybe twice. Some days I go completely without feeding, especially...
So I'm new to MFK, just want to see what anybody has to say about my tank setup in general. I have a 75 gallon long stocked with fake plants/decor. Filtered by 2 marineland emperor 400s w/bio wheels. Few bubble stones in place, one 48 in bubble wall as well. I have in my tank two parrot...
I have the opportunity to get one of these guys from someone who kept it with African cichlids, big mixed tank, you know the works, tanganika, Malawi, denston barb target/deithers. I am very interested in the fish, and was wondering if it would do ok with my small Victorian cichlids, it is 4...
I would like to make a new world cichlids tank and I have an 80 gallon tank at the moment. Do you think I can fit an oscar, JD and a couple convicts in it? Thanks
There a tons of Ancistrus species out their and some are just beautiful. Bristlenose plecos are used pretty heavily with Rift Valley Cichlids, I myself have a few. Mine where just under Bristlenose pleco (well 2 I bought where sold as Ancistrus temminckii from...
Hey guys
I have two gold severum & two juvenile oscar in my tank but recently one of my male severum bullying other fish . This severum always try to push my other severum behind the river rock in my tank and dint let her out (actually i dont know its male or female) like he try her not to...
A few years ago I made some ceramic rocks for my cichlids out of a terra cotta clay (what they make pots out of) They have done well with my fish, the semi-porous surface allows for more bacteria to colonize it. I recently took a ceramics class and made some stoneware cichlid stones. They are...
I have a bunch of clown loaches and Y.modesta in a 150 gallon tank. The middle dwellers are a few severums and an oscar. I got a couple of 1.5 inch peacock bass today, impulsively, which are in a growout tank. My main tank has a lot of driftwood & rocks in it and a tonne of hiding places. The...