
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. pancakes

    Freshwater Stock | SoCal | 92880

    Going different direction. All eyeballed... 1-400 Odessa (1-2” & 1-300 filaments) 100 20-25 RummyNose Tetras 30 3 LG (6-9”) male & 1 F Tapajos 200 20-25 (2-4”)F1 Tapajos 125 Discus (5-6”) take all 500 or 100ea F (Confirmed) Altum F F1 (Confirmed/Proven) Alenquer x2 Unsexed San Merah x2 M...
  2. C

    125 gallon Central American stocking ideas?

    Hey guys I’m looking for ideas on stocking my 125 gallon that is currently cycling. I currently am housing a juvenile jack Dempsey a juvenile jaguar a juvenile tiger Oscar and juvenile Texas cichlid in my grow out tank. am I pretty much maxed out already? Thanks
  3. A

    New cichlid community tank

    So my tank cracked and lost all my fish (managed to save 1 very large pleco). Tank had only cichlids-oscars, green terrors and convicts. Got a much bigger tank now 470 litres(125 gallons)...wanna restock with oscars and green terrors but also want some other non cichlid fish as well. I was...
  4. AquaScape


    We currently have a few awesome freshwater pufferfish species available!! 4"-5" Dragon Puffers - $65.oo Ea. 5"-6" Mbu Puffers - $200.oo Ea. 3" Twin-spot Puffers - $35.oo Ea. 1" Red-Eye Puffers - $10.oo Ea. Or 3/$25.oo
  5. Deadliestviper7

    Albino cichlid thread

    post your albino,leuestic,xanthic and platinum cichlids here!
  6. cichlidfan77

    Looking for people in Washington

    I am looking for people in Washington Possibly to get together or bye fish or equipment. I am about to be starting a African cichlids tank and are looking to get mostly peacocks has anyone been to Conway tropical fish store they say they Specialize in cichlids bit of a drive want to know if...
  7. A

    Green Terror Sexing and aggression problems

    Hello, I have recently ran into some issues with green terrors and aggression in the tank. I have a 55 gallon tank currently with all juvenile cichlids. -1x 2.5" Firemouth -2x 3" Green Terror (One slightly larger than other) -1x 2" Jack Dempsey -1x 2" Common Pleco The tank is decorated with...
  8. O

    Newbie to Oscars

    Hey guy, im a fairly new fish keeper. I recently lost my chocolate cichlid and have decided to pick up a tiger oscar. Hes only abount an inch and a half currently. I was thinking of doing a black water setup for him. Has anyone tried this and have some tips youd be willing to share? Also i...
  9. BMG94

    African Cichlid finally had babies

    My male peacock cichlid and the mystery silver Cichlid female had mated and she had babies in a nursery net, it's been five days now and the babies have grown quite a bit.. lol I have video of them that I'll be posting later on just to let people observe
  10. C

    Convict cichlids !!??

    Convict cichlids about 16-20 weeks old, had them since fry and now in a 30 gallon tank, im not sure if its male or female. Theyre both about the same size but one is more darker and purple-ish, And the other is grey-ish color. Darker one has a greenish blue hints in the top dorsal fin , Grey...
  11. AquaScape

    Stock-List 6/22/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo Ea. Or 10/$70.oo Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 2”-3” $35.oo Ea. Lobetoothed Piranha(Pygopristis denticulate) 2.5”-3” $35.oo Ea. Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8”...
  12. C

    Salvani sexing

    male or female? Only around 2-3 inches
  13. C

    Green terror sexing

    I was wondering if you can tell if this is a boy or gir terror.
  14. Ari7667

    Stocking help for a 450 gallon Mbuna Cichlid tank

    I have been researching for my Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlid tank and what to stock it with. I have four so far that I am pretty sure will work and I know we want. I was going to take the lazy way out and get a bunch of those four, but then I went to my LFS and saw the beauty in the variety they had...
  15. C

    Jaguar Cichlid male or female

    I got two jaguar cichlids the other day and one is darker than the other one. Does anyone know what gender they are yet? And also why is there color different.
  16. F

    Severum Fry Feeding

    A few weeks ago I re-installed my 530L SA cichlid community tank, and actually had to pour all fish into an uncycled tank with no filter (the cross-bar had broken and the fish were evacuated to a much smaller tank; then the pump was leaking after drying out, but putting the fish back was still...
  17. J

    What is this cichlid

    It was in a com tank at the shop and they claim it's a trade and they didn't know what it was it's about 5 inches maybe 5 and a half it was in a tank that had adult mainganos and they look nothing alike it's kinda shaped and colored (cobalt blue) like a socolofi with a longer body and markings...
  18. J

    My red devil is being super weird!

    I’ve had my red devil four two months now, and he is about 5-6 inched long and I’ve had him for two months. He has a huge personality and is super aggressive (he always bites me bad) and was super active swimming in all areas of the tank until now. I’ve tested my water and the nitrates were a...
  19. AquaScape

    Stock-list 04/23/18!!

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” SOLD OUT 4”-5” SOLD OUT Caribe(Pygocentrus Notatus) 9”-10” SOLD OUT Xingu(Serrasalmus rhombeus) 7”-8” $550.oo Ea. 8”-9”...
  20. T

    new filtration

    I have a 200g tank in the way and still haven't decided on filtration. I have never had a tank this big and am not sure where to go. I am thinking about doing two canisters, but I have no clue about sumps. anyone wanna weigh in and shed some light and drop some tips??? Currently there will be...