
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. H

    Sex of baby flowerhorn.

    i bought a baby flower horn,a week ago..i want to know the gender of my baby flowerhorn.... any help would be appreciated....
  2. H

    sex of baby Flower horn..

    I bought a baby flower horn,a week ago,i want to know the sex of the flower horn... Any help would be appreciated...
  3. Lars6

    How to sex guppy

    This might seem like a stupid question but is the yellow guppy male or female?
  4. Lars6

    Lighting for 75 gallon high tech

    I plan on setting up a 75 gallon high tech planted tank in the near future. I need suggestions for lighting. I was going to look into twinstar but the biggest model they have is 90 cm as far as I know and that’s not long enough for a 75 gallon. I was thinking maybe 2 fluval 3.0’s. I’m open to...
  5. C

    Silver Arowana inactive

    Hey I currently have a Silver arowana around 8-10 inches maybe, in a 125g tank. He has been in the tank for about 2 months now. The problem I see is that the arowana sits in the top corner of the tank all day and I only see him swim when its dark at night. I stopped turning on the light because...
  6. R

    Alligator Gar - broken back?

    Hello folks, I came home today to a rather unpleasant site - my 8" alligator seems to have injured itself. It's back is now bent, and it seems like it cannot function any part behind the bent portion - it is getting around a little bit using only it's pectoral fins whilst flailing it's whole...
  7. T

    Custom tank advice for a new member.

    Hello, guys, my name is Troy. I'm new to this forum and giant tanks, but I plan in building my fish one soon and had a couple questions. I know there is already several post about some of my questions but they seem rather old. First question is if anyone has experience with concrete tanks vs...
  8. Lars6

    Need help with Colombian tetra fry care

    I recently came back from a long vacation of a month and a half. I immediately did a 90% water change on my planted 20 long. There are 2 Colombian tetras, 1 panda Cory (other 5 died while I was away, I’m assuming nitrate poisoning due to lack of water changes), and 3 nerite snails in the tank...
  9. B

    Help, sick green terror

    Noticing some fading on him, his orange tips are now white at the ends??? He seems very interested in food but spits it all back out after eating. He has long white stringy poop. And somewhat normal behaviors, been treating with melafix api, no help, any ideas!?!?
  10. L

    What species of lungfish do I have?

    What species do I have?
  11. A

    Green Terror Sexing and aggression problems

    Hello, I have recently ran into some issues with green terrors and aggression in the tank. I have a 55 gallon tank currently with all juvenile cichlids. -1x 2.5" Firemouth -2x 3" Green Terror (One slightly larger than other) -1x 2" Jack Dempsey -1x 2" Common Pleco The tank is decorated with...
  12. F

    Epsom salt solution help!

    Hey guys, first post here! I have a question as I recently bought my first flowerhorn but had a question regarding treating internals with epsom salt (I keep other large cichlids and some australian natives as well aa a community tank but never had to do it). As the fish is refusing food, I...
  13. Dennis Kraemer

    What Could I put in my tank???

    Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
  14. Kingster

    the tank that actually kinda maybe works

    Hi GUYS! So 90lbs of sand, a bunch of hose and hose clamps, tubes of silicone, and 3 new bulkheads later... supposedly my tank can work, and SUPPOSEDLY with cycled media..... hmmm so what do i do??? I GO SPEND $83 ON THE FIRST BATCH OF FISH! yep.. I have finally started the stocking of my 120...
  15. 1

    Amonina levels bad

    Hi, I'm looking for some ideas on what is going on with my fish tank. My Amonina levels are terrible. I haven't bean able to keep them at 0ppm at all. The nitrite and nitrate are at 0ppm but the amonina keeps spiking. I keep three freshwater stingrays in a 230 gallon fish tank. Two are bigger...
  16. H

    SO I got these 1'' Zaire Frontosa the other day. maybe FREAKING OUT

    I bought these Zaire frontosa breeder in Ohio has a get shop owns 3 building with nothing but fish in them He has a lot of Frontosa projects going on and i trust him. Well the other day i decided i would buy 5 of these f1 Zaires looked at them they looked healthy but didn't really really look at...
  17. PGJE


    in the past week iv'e found this algae in the community tank that grows really quickly and covers everything. it's not bad, if you scrub it off the sides, it all comes out in a big sheet, but i cleaned my tank (including a gravel siphoning) 2 days ago and got rid of all of it and now its back...
  18. P

    Fishes died randomly

    I introduced a healthy Arowana into it's new (already cycled) tank and it swam around rapidly and then went to the bottom of the tank and died. We introduced it to the water when it was still in the bag. RIP. My other fish that was also in there also died the next day. RIP x2. There are still...
  19. R

    Oscar tank

    Is it possible to keep an oscar in either a 75g or 90g
  20. F

    crayfish problem.

    Hi ! i'm new here, i stumbled across this website as I was looking for a solution or an explanation to an "issue" with my both male and female scarlet crayfish . I bought them roughly a week ago, i'm not an expert but, they seemed ok, and I added ladder for them to climb up to the surface. only...