
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Tank Mates?

    Alright, sooo... I posted about adding an Oscar to my tank with Tiger Barbs and Crays, but have decided against it... However, I now took out the more aggressive, two-pincered Cray and put it into my father's large tank after one of the barbs had lost a fin on one side and couldn't swim, only...
  2. Lars6

    Algae in my planted tankHe

    I have had an awful algae problem in my 20 gallon long since I started it 2 months ago. I started a fluval 2.0 on the tank. In the beginning, I had the light on for 10 hours. Algae ran rampid and coated every surface. String algae was everywhere. I then changed the light to 8 hours. The string...
  3. CristianV

    Pick Your Winner

    A continuation of my previous thread “Fantasy Fish Battle”. I’ve accumulated who my top dogs would be so I’m letting you guys pick the champ! If choice isn’t listed, post who you’d pick. Explainations of your pick would be appreciated, thanks guys! (No snakeheads as they are illegal in America)
  4. H

    Help me out with my kelberi pcbass

    I have two bass that are around 7" now and all there eatting is blood worms still and here and there if I mix beef heart or fish eggs with the worms they will accidentally eat them. But I really would like to get them two eat krill so i can but them in my 240g with a 16" arowana. And two...
  5. CristianV

    Wolffish Help!!!

    Hey guys, I’ve noticed my little 3” common wolf is not in his usual cave and is hovering at the waterline and occssionnly darts to the other side of the tank. Before he was doing this, I noticed a cut/abrasion on his side. All other fish in the tank are completely fine. Any and all help needed!!!
  6. Ari7667

    Stocking help for a 450 gallon Mbuna Cichlid tank

    I have been researching for my Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlid tank and what to stock it with. I have four so far that I am pretty sure will work and I know we want. I was going to take the lazy way out and get a bunch of those four, but then I went to my LFS and saw the beauty in the variety they had...
  7. Lars6

    Stocking a 75 gallon tank

    I was wondering if these fish could go together in a 75 gallon planted community. - Rainbowfish -congo tetras - angelfish -Denison barbs I feel like it could have its issues when it comes to feeding time due to how slow angels are. Suggestions?
  8. Kingster


    So i was on aq advisor, I was just getting a plain bare bones look at a stocking Idea, went i added 4 bolivion rams, it said Warning: Your selected species may eventually require 128% of your aquarium space. You may need to deal with territorial aggressions later on. weirded out by this I...
  9. T

    bluegill not eating

    Hi guys I've had this bluegill for about 2 weeks and he was eating the first week perfectly. All of a sudden he stopped eating the meal worms I was feeding or any other food I tried. He went from coming to the top of the tank when I came in the room to not moving at all. The tank is cycled and...
  10. A

    Sick Flowerhorn. Not sure what to do!

    my 3” blue Flowerhorn got attacked by my Oscar in a 125g tank. I think he got scratched on a rock in the tank because he has pretty deep cuts down his side. I separated my Oscar and put him in a 75g by himself, but the Flowerhorn kept getting worse. The scratches turned red and he started...
  11. J

    What kind of catfish is this please help!!

    I bought this catfish at my local Lfs and they sold it as a pimelodela cat but I’ve searched it up and my fish looks nothing like one. He’s a light grey and he’s about 2.5 inches, (I attached pictures of the fish)
  12. H

    rescued a large severum today! Tell me what you think!

    So i picked this green severum up at a lfs for 20 bucks he's looking ROUGH! They told me a couple from Columbus dropped him off for store credit, so the excuse of why he so rough looking is because of the 2-hour Drive in a bucket, and I beleave the poor water quality of course at its original...
  13. S

    Injured fish! Please advise!

    Hi there! I’ve recently set up a tropical aquarium (a month ago) and have been slowly adding fish with advice from my LFS. I’ve been keeping a close eye on them and have (perhaps unwisely) carefully chosen names for all 13 of them. Today I came home from work and as usual checked the...
  14. Lars6

    What fish in a ph of 7.6?

    I know that this is a commonly asked question but I have a ph of 7.6 and am not so sure about tetras (which I really want to add). I tried both wild and tank raised cardinal tetras in my 20 gal long, full cycled, no ammonia or nitrite, and around 20 nitrate. They all died within a week both...
  15. GiantFishKeeper101

    Colour morph on fire eel QUESTION

    Not mine but my friend. Can fire eel morph their colour late stage? I know certain catfish can morph from normal to leucistic or xanthic. But this eel morph from normal to xanthic and back to normal. Can anyone explain why???
  16. Lars6

    Senegal Bichir Nostril messed up

    Hey all, I have a 5 inch Senegal Bichir that has a nostril that looks like it is decaying compared to the other one. Any idea what’s wrong? He jumped into the filtration compartment in the back a while ago and I’m not sure if he injured it then or not.
  17. H

    Monster fish tank design advice

    Hi all, I am close to ordering my first truly big aquarium. It is meant to be underneath the windows of the front of my house so there is no option of putting the tank on a stand. I came up with sort of a "side-sump" design and i would like to have feedback on it. The dimensions are...
  18. Lars6

    Water dechlorinator

    So I recently hooked myself up with some sodium thiosulfate after seeing the king of DIY’s video. I was looking for an alternative to spending unneccessary amounts of money on water conditioner. Does anybody have any experience with sodium thiosulfate? If so, what do you think of it and would...
  19. Lars6

    My fish are dying, parasites?

    My German blue ram is extremely bloated and has lost all coloration. He never moves or eats now. He started acting like this when I introduced him to a new tank with 13 cardinals (who also don’t eat). As of one week later, 9 cardinals have now died off. I am thinking that it might be an internal...
  20. B


    I have a deoiler in my tank and today both the tank fuilter and the deoiler was on. I could see that he was a little upset by because he was being pushed around by the current. However, I didn't give that much thought because usually when this happens he just goes and hids in his little house...