
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. D

    Help w/ Perruno/Leiarius

    So friends, I had a Leiarius longbarbis that was sold to me as a Perruno Cat (still havent counted dorsal fins) as a juvenile. Soon after doing my homework shortly after purchasing it I had realized I bought a monster and within a month or 2 I had rehomed him back at the LFS where they have put...
  2. Greenboy

    Another Stocking Question

    Hi guys, I was wondering if it would be acceptable to house an Oscar in a 120gal with about 5-6 Spotted Silver Dollars, and 4 or so of a Thorichthys species? The tank dimensions are 4' x 2' x 2' and I feel as if i have more than adequate filtration... my worry is that if i went ahead with the...
  3. AG458

    Fish Store Finds

    Just some fish that stood out to me from my LFS. Enjoy:)
  4. Chinnavar

    Oscar tank

    Hellooo, I always wanted to have an oscar or 2, I recently found this cheap second hand Juwel rio 450 ( Dimensions are 151 x 51 x66 cm). Now I was wondering if it would be big enough for 2 oscars, a poly or 2 and a clean up crew and which filter would be ideal for this setup? Since I can save...
  5. Jexnell

    How many Oscar's in a 125?

    I am finding a mess of 125gal 6f length 18in width 20in height tanks on Craigslist for 300ish. Would that be a good forever home for a single Oscar? Two Oscars? Or not a forever home for an Oscar, and look for bigger?
  6. mattybecks

    Oscars and silver dollars

    Hi guys Thought I’d show you my oscars, I am impressed at their rate of growth. The first photo is when I just got them on 5th of October, and the other photos are from last week. Well bigger than my hand now. I got 9 Silver dollars (I love shiny schooling fish, and I needed some fish to...
  7. D

    Oscar Cichlid Lost His Mind?

    Hello MonsterFishKeepers, Please excuse me as this is my first post on this forum. I have an Oscar around 12" whom I've owned for about a year and a half now. Like many other New fish keepers, I wasn't aware of the quick growth of Oscars, soI have been playing lots of catch up in that regard...
  8. Jexnell

    My Cichlids

    Here are some vids of my current cichlids. Sorry not the best, working with what I got to film them anyways here ya go
  9. O

    3.5'x3.5'x11' tank? HELP

    I am fairly new to fish keeping, but I got myself into a predicament... About two months ago my therapist recommended I get fish to help me focus on something other than myself. Well, my mom came with me to pick out the fish and she saw two baby oscars. I didn't want them at first because I saw...
  10. B

    tank mate

    Im about to buy a 100 gallon tank 5ft long about 2ft tall and about 2ft front to back. My plan for the tank is a cichlid tank not african. I was planing to put a jaguar in it with maybe 2 convict cichlids or maybe a madagascar cichlid what type of cichlid would be best with a jaguar cichlid. I...
  11. O

    What Oscar aggression?

    So I've had one female oscar 14" for going on 7 years now who has been completely intolerant of any tank mates (except for the logdweller catfish) her entire life. about a year ago she laid eggs for the first time and stopped eating feeder guppies so I decided to to try out a school of 10...
  12. B

    Oscar, Jd, help!

    I have a “blue gene” jd, and a albino tiger Oscar. Right now they both are housed in separate 55 gallon tanks, due to the fact that their both only about 5 inches long. My question is, could I house these fish together in a 120 or 125 or would they be constantly fighting? I had them together in...
  13. R

    Help Oscar Fin Rot..

    Okay i have 2 Oscars. They are under 6in so i had them in a 55 by themselves. ( Yes i have 120 not set up yet for when or if they get larger). Anyway i bought a 3in channel cat for my pond but figured id grow it out with the os in the 55 for the winter and then it would be in the pond 500 gall...
  14. I

    mitigating aggression between 2 oscars?

    I'm sure this has been asked before but the search if failing me. The two oscars are still just babies in a 125 gallon tank. The tiger oscar is just a tad bigger than the my albino and he's the aggressive one. Yesterday I introduced 6 Zebra Danios as target fish. (I'm aware that they will be...
  15. David Foster

    Over Stocked?

    Ok I had an issue little over a month ago about my Oscars being unnaturally shy. I posted my problem on here and went through all of the suggestions until I came down to the last resort of going with the idea of either adding some dither fish or as someone mentioned adding in another active...
  16. S

    Can i stock these fishes in a 150 gallon aquarium?

    In a few days my new 5*2*2 aquarium will be finished and later needs to be setup.I thought of having an asian arowana untill fish reaches 1 and a half feet in length, 1 oscar, 6 clown loaches med sized, 1 black ghost knife fish which i already have(6-7 inches), along with 3-4 sea...
  17. F

    Cleaning up after a messy oscar

    This is my first post here so I hope it's in the right category. I've got my first big fish. A 12 inch oscar. He was a little bit of a rescue amd impulse buy as the fish store couldn't get him to eat. He is temporarily in a 40 gallon tank and I do daily water changes (about 50 percent) Temp...
  18. R

    Wet pet for 29 gallon.

    I've been looking for the perfect wet pet for my 29 tall, and I've given up so i'll ask you guys. I LOVE PARACHROMIS SPECIES, but none of them can fit in a 30. But that gives you a genre of fish that i'd like. But yeah, I'm asking you guys (and girls) what a good wet pet would fit in this tank.
  19. J

    Tank balance

    Looking for advice on this combination of monsters....
  20. Jexnell

    FS | Albino Ruby Oscar female | $35 | Vancouver, Washington | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Albino Ruby Oscar female What are your prices?: 35 Where are you located?: Vancouver, Washington Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: This is a cute female that I got in case the male I got with her didn't get...