
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F

    120 Gallon Stocking

    Hello Everyone, I recently got a 4x2x2 (120g/450l) And i'm not sure what to put in it. I have a firemouth cichlid that has to go in it but i dont really want a "community tank" so to say. My ideal stocking would be 2: Firemouth 3: Pictus Cats 1: Firemouth 1: Oscar Tbh i really want a large...
  2. F

    115 Gallon Tank

    Well it has been a eventful week. I was meant to get a 75g on Monday but shipping company broke it. I then started to ask around when I talked to my uncle who had a old 4x2x2 he didn’t want so now I’ve got that. I’m not really sure what to stock it with. I have 1 firemouth that has gotta go in...
  3. F

    75G Oscar Tank

    Hello Everyone, I have recently got a 75g/280l tank and I would love to put a Oscar in it. Would it be ok to put a small Oscar in with 4 firemouth cichlids and 2 pictus catfish Thank you all so much
  4. R

    Sick oscar

    I have a albino tiger oscar and it is gasping for air and wont eat. Water conditions are perfect ph 7.4 ammo 0 nitrate 0 i do wc twice a week 50% there is no marks on his body no marks on his gills and hes not bloated its been only a few days but his behavior changed over night to complete...
  5. P

    110g predatory ideas?

    I’m thinking of setting up a 110g 398L 59”x19”x25” 150x50x65cm tank, with a fluval fx6 I’m looking for a single or pair of larger personable relatively active aggressive / semi aggressive fish my current ideas are - 2 oscars (start at 6, give 4 back to store) - 1/2 flowerhorn (if they get...
  6. Jacob6556

    Give me some ideas for this tank!! Picture included!!

    So that’s my tank!! I’m lookimf for some great stocking ideas!! I would lik to have larger fish that max out the size limit and then some medium size fish and then maybe a small school of smaller fish! But I’m looking for your best idea on what you think would be the best fit and coolest idea...
  7. Jacob6556

    Jack Dempsey tank idea! Does this work??

    So I now have a 60 gallon tank, and ofcourse like all new tanks it’s empty. I was just wondering about what fish I should get. First I was think about just an Oscar but then I realized that one would just be to big and to much water cleaning required as the have a huge bioload. So I had an idea...
  8. Jacob6556

    Large goldfish and a tiger Oscar together??

    So I have had this 75 gallon tank for about 5 years now and I now just have a single goldfish who is around 8 inches along with a few danios. I was just wondering if I take the danios out would I be able to add a small tiger Oscar to the tank? Yes I have slowly moved the goldfish water...
  9. R

    Worm or Feeder Fish Breeding Setup?

    Which is better for providing the occasional treat of live food for several species of larger fish (oscars, clown knife, bichirs, Barbs..etc) and a more consistent dietary supplement for a red hi fin wolf fish? Starting thoughts are feeder tank will look more attractive and interesting in the...
  10. mattybecks

    South Amercian Community - newly added drift wood.

    Just added a new piece of drift wood into my aquarium, I was hoping someone would be able to help me identify the type of wood? when I google it there a few different types, but they look the same. I would like to find out how long it will take for the tannins of this particular type to finish...
  11. mattybecks

    New Juvenile Silver Arowana

    Just sharing my newly added silver Arowana. I was returning my tinfoil barbs to the LFS (was planning have a Geo and Oscar only aquarium), and found the lovely huge piece of wood you see in the background. So I bought the wood and got a free silver thrown in haha. (I think for the tinfoils and...
  12. pinfish

    Hey I'm Pin!

    I am a high school student that got into the hobby over the summer. I started with a ten gal, expanded to a 29, then a 55, and now a 75. The 55 and 75 I restored by hand. My dream is to some day get a gigantic tank to keep monsters but I'll have to wait till I have more room.
  13. pinfish

    Oscar: stressed or sick?

    Hello all, I have just gotten an oscar about two days ago. I have read that they can become pretty depressed when moved to a new tank let alone the two hour journey he had to take in a cooler from where I got him to my house. The last two days that I've had him he's been sulky but still swimming...
  14. S

    Lager Oscar chasing other Oscar

    I have had two oscars( 10-15cm) in this tank for 2months with no problem. They swim and eat together. They often lay beside each other at night. Two weeks ago I added 5 silver dollars into the tank. There was no aggression. Two day ago I noticed that the larger Oscar was chasing the smaller one...
  15. P

    Keeping Two Oscars Together?

    So I'm planning on keeping an Oscar but don't want it to feel lonely. Would it be possible to keep a red tiger Oscar and a red Oscar together from 1 inch size for life? Ive heard of buying 6 and waiting for two to pair off but I don't want to have 4 year old oscars I need to get rid of. Im not...
  16. S

    Oscar fish has white outline around its fins.

    I have two albino oscars in a three foot tank. They are around 10-15cm. They have a white layer around their fins. They eat normally. Very active. Could this be fin rot?
  17. P

    Quarantine prodedure for freshwater?

    Hey so I've recently started researching a Oscar tank however moving from saltwater what changes quarantine wise? My current idea is copper up to 2ppm for 2 weeks, freshwater dip and trisulphate for bacteria. Would these work in freshwater two? The fish I was looking to quarantine are an Oscar...
  18. P

    Brilliance 150 Oscar Build

    Hey so I'm new to this forum but have been on reef2reef for a while and Its time to start a build thread. as the title suggests I'm planning to setup a tank for a Oscar in the Aqua One Brilliance 150. Its still several months out but slow and steady wins the race. Planned hardware is Aqua one...
  19. P

    How strong of a lid for Oscar?

    I’m looking into a tank for a Oscar and keep hearing I need a strong lid, would a mesh lid or one on the aqua one brilliance 150 be okay, I’d post a link but are not allowed to yet. Thanks in advance also sorry if this is in the wrong section I looked in cichlid and other monster fish but...
  20. A

    For Sale 2 large tiger oscars for 30 dollars for the pair

    Great looking albino and normal black oscar!!!! Healthy and great colors