
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Oscar and Green Terror Aggression

    So I'm going to get to the point as fast as I can. I had a 5inch Oscar, 4inch GT, and 6inch Senegal Bichir in a 75 gallon tank. They were in like this for a few months and only the GT and Oscar fought for the first two days and were completely okay after that. Two days ago I came home to a...
  2. LBDave

    Oscar says hello

    Greetings MFK Oscar lovers.
  3. rayoddballfish

    Oscar with Hole in Head? HELP!

    Hi guys, does my oscar have hole on the head disease? If so how do I treat it? I have general cure but not sure if should just add it to my tank or put it in food. My oscar has a great appetite eating cut up tilapia so I'm not certain he has it. Also I have a lapreidei bichir in his tank, can...
  4. Zak03

    Depressed Oscar?

    So, i have two oscar cichlids, a sun cat, and a common pleco. all fish are under 3" and are in a 10 gallon tank. theyre in the 10gal while i reseal the bigger tank, dont worry. Tank decor: i used to have 4 natural rocks, 3 big, one medium as decor. i have gravel as a substrate. i had a lot of...
  5. RubyRuby234

    My New Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!!

    Say hello to Turquiose!! She is my new Electric Blue Texas Cichlid!!! She is beautiful and a little stinker! My other fish were following her all day yesterday it was so cute! She ate right away, and seems to be fitting in well with a sub group of my fish in the tank! So happy!! Happy Birthday...
  6. Zak03

    Feeding my Sun Cat problems

    So I have a sun cat with 2 oscars. All three fish are about the same size 3-4" ( sun cat is slightly smaller). But im having trouble feeding my sun cat. I researched that you should feed the catfish so that it should always have slight bump in the belly. i havent able to acheive that. i feed my...
  7. Zak03

    Natural Plants in the Oscar Tank

    So, im using big natural rocks as decor in my tank. i washed them thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide, and then rinsed them and dried them before placing them in the tank. I've been using them for a few weeks now and i havent had any problems. But there is one thing. Moss started to grow two of...
  8. F

    Oscars and HOB Filters

    Hey guys I'm about to get a 75g tank and most likely be getting 1 oscar and a few silver dollars. I was wondering if i could have 1-2 large HOB filters and 2 XL sponge filters or wether I should go with a canister or something Thanks
  9. Zak03

    Oscar Died. What did I do Wrong?

    Alright. So I purchased two baby Oscars (red and tiger) from Petco a little bit over a week ago. They live in a 40-gallon tank ( i will upgrade later, don't worry) with two baby sun catfish and two baby common plecos (which I added today). I apologize in advance for the amount of reading you...
  10. Zak03

    Feeding Oscar Cichlid Problems

    I have two baby oscars, both around 2" long. I got them a week ago. I am having trouble feeding them. I feed them in the mornign when i wake up, and the evening Usually when i go to bed, but not always that late. I bought cichlid pellets that float at first, but after they sit in the water for...
  11. Zak03

    Noob at Cichlids and Sun Cats

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I got a 40-gallon tank with 2 baby Oscars (tiger and red) and 1baby sun catfish (aka eclipse catfish). I know, the tank will be too small eventually, but I plan on moving them into a bigger tank-75 gallons or possibly more-when the Oscars get bigger. I am new to both...
  12. L

    What will this baby oscar look like?

    Lil guy caught my eye at my lfs. Never saw a black and gold baby Oscar like this before. How will this guy look in the future?
  13. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

  14. RubyRuby234

    Oscars digging and breeding behavior

    I cleaned the tank and moved some things around. Well two fish that shall remain nameless were unhappy with my design and south to fix it! Sassy girls!!
  15. RubyRuby234

    Ruby and Opal hard at work!

    I cleaned the tank and moved some things around. Well two fish that shall remain nameless were unhappy with my design and south to fix it! Sassy girls!!
  16. T

    Large Fish For 55 Gallon Tank?

    Hey! i'm planning on getting a 55 gallon aquarium (Juwel Rio 240) but don't know what fish to put in the tank... I've considered a Silver Arowana but i know that the tank definitely wouldn't be big enough as they grow very fast, I've also thought about keeping 1 Tiger Oscar with around 5...
  17. G


    Could I keep a single Oscar with a school of 5 or so tiger barbs in a 75 gallon?
  18. Rapaz

    Promoting Oscar breeding

    Thought this may be interesting to some. I purchased a peacock bass over the weekend and he is doing great. I added just a couple of feeders to distract the oscars of the new comer and to give the peacock some confidence. (I hardly ever give them feeders) I also warmed the water up from 75 to 80...
  19. L

    Stocking for 400 Gallon concrete pond

    Hello everyone, I have created a 400 gallon concrete pond (6'X3'X3'). I want to stock some predator fishes. In my LFS there are some spotted gars (18inch & 3-4inch), silver arowana (5-8inch), small RTCs (2-3inch), Oscars (small to large). Besides this I have also raised 2 Oscars from baby to...
  20. PGJE


    I know I was kind of ignorant and didn't pay much attention to water quality over the past week, but please help. My oscar is laying on his side not moving (still breathing slightly). I know oscars do this when they are scared, and I had added a new decoration just yesterday, but he was fine...