
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. N

    New 75 gallon tank

    hi everyone I’m new to the hobby so I’m still figuring things out and I hope y’all could help me. I currently have a 75 gallon tank with an emperor Marineland filter. I have a green terror and a tiger Oscar both fairly small 4” each, and two plecos. I’m just wondering if I could add more to the...
  2. B

    Help! Oscar has spot on eye???

    Hey, my Oscar is about 7-9 inches long, eats actively and looks great, no signs of stress to me anyway.. he has this white spot thing on his eye that started out looking like an abrasion transparent almost but now is more solid white and I’m getting nervous! Please help me figure this out!!
  3. O

    Help! Oscar with HITH.

    I have a 1+ year old Oscar and I’ve always taken good care of him and his tank with water changes weekly if not twice a week. Recently I noticed some pitting going on on the top of his head and around his nose as seen in the pictures. Over the past two weeks I have changed his diet to include...
  4. Lukashill

    My 125 gallon American cichlid set up

    Tank has been running for 4 months with all of these guys in there. 1 oscar 3 female convicts 1 jd (in on of the pictures you can catch him peeping spying on me) 1 male firemouth 1 (I believe male) green terror 1 turquoise severum I try to give many good sized caves. I do have a 75 gallon...
  5. OscarDaddy69

    tank mate for oscar in 75g

    I have an oscar who is a year old in a 75 gallon. I am thinking of getting another fish in the tank, any advice of which fish get a long well with the oscar? There are no other fish in the tank currently
  6. M

    Oscar HELP! Need advice!

    We have a 1 year old Oscar about 6" big. He/she has been a very healthy fish. We recently changed the tank to 100 gallon tank and only 13 fish inside. 2 Oscars (this one is the biggest and main fish) Cichlids, Plecos, Green Terror, Jack Dempsey. These fish have all been together since day 1...
  7. OscarDaddy69

    Switch to Sand bottom with Oscar

    I am thinking of changing my current setup to a sand bottom. Ive attached a photo of my current setup. I have a 75 Gallon with a lutino oscar, Jack Dempsey and a pleco. what are some suggestions and advice with sand bottoms with oscars. Will the sand mess up my filter, im running an eheim...
  8. O

    Newbie to Oscars

    Hey guy, im a fairly new fish keeper. I recently lost my chocolate cichlid and have decided to pick up a tiger oscar. Hes only abount an inch and a half currently. I was thinking of doing a black water setup for him. Has anyone tried this and have some tips youd be willing to share? Also i...
  9. B

    Oscar parasites or constipation?

    I recently got an Oscar at a box pet store and from the day I brought him home his uhhh fishy butt has been swollen and he has white poop, not stringy. He’s in a 20g quarantine tank, daily water changes ammonia & nitrites are 0 and nitrate is pretty dang close to 0 with the daily changes. I’m...
  10. PGJE

    oscar with goldfish???

    in a month I'm going to get a 150 gallon tank, as an upgrade for my turtles and fish. i have two turtles, both are very slow and have been compatible with any fish i have ever put in the tank (including cichlids). In the 150 ill have: 2 turtles 1 pleco and three 8 inch goldfish i want to know if...
  11. B

    Oscar behaviour/stocking?

    Hello, was hoping to get a discussion going on what people recommend for Oscar stocking and how it effects personality. I'm looking in to setting up a 240g(96x24x25") in the near future and can't decide on how many Oscars I should get. I've had one in the past and he was the only thing living in...
  12. R

    Oscar tank

    Is it possible to keep an oscar in either a 75g or 90g
  13. S

    Red devil and oscar help

    So i have a full grown red devil and yesterday i tried introducing a full grown oscar. The oscar is bigger then the red devil but the red devil keeps bulling the oscar.. so my qustion is if i have a 110 gallon tank will the fish live fine if i order a dark peice of glass or get some kind of...
  14. T

    Oscar With Tiger Barbs And Cray?

    So I have a tank with a school of 5 Albino Tiger Barbs and 2 Common Crayfish (One missing a pincer) However, I've been thinking that maybe an Oscar would be fine too? The Tiger Barbs are decent size, though I think still pretty young and not at full potential in growth. The Cray with only one...
  15. S

    Oscar growth tips

    Tank #6 in my fish room is on order right now, but the stocking is set, it’s a 120g (4’x2’x2’) and I have an FX6 with some pre cycled media in it waiting. I’m putting a single Oscar in there in honor of my late family member who bred them for decades. There are so many varying statements out...
  16. X

    Possible Oscar tank

    Hey, all! This is another thing I might do if I get a 75 gallon or, if I'm super lucky and can pull off the miracle of both finding room for it and managing to convince my landlord to let me, a five foot tank like a 125 gal. I've done a lot of research on oscars before, but had just a couple...
  17. J

    What kind of catfish is this please help!!

    I bought this catfish at my local Lfs and they sold it as a pimelodela cat but I’ve searched it up and my fish looks nothing like one. He’s a light grey and he’s about 2.5 inches, (I attached pictures of the fish)
  18. Kingster

    New THREAD: Is this overstocked?

    SOUTH AMERICAN TANK 1 x Oscar 2 x guianacara gaeyi 4 x Silver Dollars 2 (3) x Pimelouds Maculatus Be too much for a 120 gallon dual overflew, with a trigger 36 sump? BTW need recommendations for cool natural substrate, plants, and rocks
  19. H

    Monster fish tank design advice

    Hi all, I am close to ordering my first truly big aquarium. It is meant to be underneath the windows of the front of my house so there is no option of putting the tank on a stand. I came up with sort of a "side-sump" design and i would like to have feedback on it. The dimensions are...
  20. Kingster

    Too much for 120 South America?

    Hi, I am looking to stock my 120 into a South American tank, with abit of plants and wood. the sump is trigger systems crystal sump 36 READ THIS: I plan to keep all the fish from fry or small size and not have to upgrade to keep them after they grow up! STOCKING IDEA: 5 x Pictus Catfish -...