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Albino Silver
Short Body Albino Silver...
Female parents from Indonesia.
37cm, 5 years old
Male parents from Ubangi river, D.R.Congo. W.C
27cm, over 3 years old
2~3 hours after hatch.
they born without any extra gills and eyes and barely move.
don't have any action about light.
2 days old
Still don't have any eyes yet.
Hey all,
I have a beautiful 12" or so Teugelsi Bichir. Great health. Eats great (tilapia, hilario carnivore, etc)
My bichirs are still a bit too small for this guy, as I just got him and realized too late that he wouldnt be compatible with some of my fish.
I'm in Denver, CO
PM for more details
Picked up a 265g the other day, 7'x2'x2', going to be housing some bichirs, a florida gar, a lima shovelnose, a female parachromis motaguense, and possibly a spiny eel, something like a dayi. Could a red wolf fit into this mix? Red wolf would end up being the smallest fish in the tank, and most...
Hello MFK,
Today i found a Polypterus Delhezi at my local pet shop. He looked extremely white and had no red eyes...i thought it could be some kind of Platinum coloring...but he still got stripes. I immediately bought him, becaus in every case he's very beautiful (white with black stripes :D)...
The other day I discovered one of my fish belly up on the bottom. Quite a shock as it was behaving normally the night before. The only change to my usual routine is treatment with levimasole recently due to seeing a bunch of white stringy poop in the tank. I don’t have a microscope so examining...
Pet store said fathead. (Weeksii) But also had ansorgii and lapradai in the same tank. I think it is one of the later two. Doesn't look like a fathead to me. But maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe its something else entirely. Sorry for spelling and not great pictures. It does have the little tufts on...
Hey guys, I recently purchased a Lapradei bichir from my LFS. It is severely underweight, but eating. I've had it for two days but it is breathing extremely awkwardly, and I have kept multiple bichirs to raise them up but I have never had one like this. My params are all normal, PH 7.4, temp is...
Up for sale are my two Lapredei Bichirs.
Both are 24" in length, pretty thick and are around 3-3.5" in girth.
Eating Massivore pellets, tilapia, and shrimp.
$550 each or both for $1000.
Picked up/meet in Orange County area only. Leave your number if you are interested.
What's up everyone I'm new here so I'll do my best. I have two set ups I'm curious on. The first is a Half Banded Spiny Eel in a 75. I already have it scaped with rocks, driftwood, logs, and caves. The plants all feed from the water column so if uprooted I'll just replant them or let them float...
I have kept a few polypterus species over the year. Right now I got 1 orni. left. I wane get some more but first I have to rehouse my bullheads. The orni. is hiding the whole time behind my background. Is this weird? And what can I do so that he comes more into vision?
Hello guys im reddy from indonesia
want share my production fish farm
welcome to reddy aquarium colection fish i hope you enjoy my colection :D
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