One of my polypterus endlicheri fish fallen down in tank and trying to take breath so hard... and he fallen upside down in the bottom of the tank. What should i do?
Hey guys!
I bought 2 18~20cm delhezi polys to go w/ my blood parrot pair, and so far, they're doing great.
I've noticed a patch of weird looking things that look like sand. I'm guessing that its actually sand stuck to their slime coat? (i'll upload a picture later on) I just want some answers...
Looking for an ID for this poly of mine. I have my thoughts but am more interested in everyone else's take. I got it from an LFS at 3" about a years ago. Sold as an endli. Its about 12-13" now.
Currently Both eyes look like there’s an X threw the iris. Most of my group has this. Usually their eyes are crisp and dark. Never seen it before this week. What is this?
Veins? Cloudy eyes? Eye structure? Light too bright? Something else?
You’ll have to zoom in to see the one on the...
Here in the UK I’m having a hard time finding tilapia fillets. I can buy whole black tilapia in a local oriental supermarket but it’s not ideal. However whilst I was there I saw a few different species that people will recognise.
My question is do people prefer to feed freshwater species of...
Nabbed this little guy off ebay pretty randomly, had never heard of a dabola so I jumped at the opportunity before knowing any info about it, mostly because I couldn't find much online. From what I have read, this is very likely not an actual dabola. What type of bichir do you think this is? I'm...
I would like to know if there would be conflicts among fishes and which ones might not be compatible. The water parameters can be maintained to suit all listed fishes.
Upper part:
Pantodon buchholzi - african butterfly fish
Middle part:
Apteronotus Albifrons - black knife fish
I was a member of the forum under a different name in years gone by but I’ve forgotten that log in. I have been reading posts on Polypterus for about a year whilst I’ve grown my collection and now I want to contribute again :)
My first question is in regards to a (hopefully) PBB that...
First of all, I would like to ask which polypterus is smallest (not taking into account calabaricus and short body version of polypterus), because there are many contradicting opinions around the internet, while the top 3 goes to: albino polypterus senegalus, polypterus mokelembembe...
I have a deoiler in my tank and today both the tank fuilter and the deoiler was on. I could see that he was a little upset by because he was being pushed around by the current. However, I didn't give that much thought because usually when this happens he just goes and hids in his little house...
Hi :)
Just signed up and thought I'd share my latest fish I got 2 days ago.
This is not a MonsterFish per se, it's tank mate's with a pair of P.senegalus, hope P.Sene fall into MF category otherwise I'll need another forum. :p
Hope you enjoy.
hello, I have a p.senegalus for 3 years now. And yesterday he started doing what I thought was crocodileturning. But today he did it again for no reason at all and after that he stayed on the bottom turned the wrong way for I think 20seconds.(his belly up) And now he is laying weird in the...
My 6inch CB albino Senegal -who eats everything-decided to eat a Seachem flourish tab. He eats sand for fun and dug a fertilizer tab up and ate it. He’s looked like this for 72 hours. Haven’t fed him. Please help.
He looks like he’s fat, but the bump is about an inch from his pec fin. I do...
Blue Neon Nigripinnis- 2"-2.5" - $65.oo
Pearl Line Lamprologus- 2" - $8.oo Ea. or 3/$21.oo
West African Lungfish(annectens)- 12" - $OLD OUT
West African Lungfish(annectens)- 14" - $OLD OUT
Slender Lungfish(dolloi)- 10" - $85.oo
My senegal has a lump on her anal fin. He's had it since I got him (6-8 months ago) and it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. I cannot tell with 100% certainty if it's grown, but it doesn't seem to have. I can't see any other lumps externally.
I am wondering if anyone knows exactly what...
I've had my current 60g (long) tank up and running since last summer. Despite my taste for large fish, my current stock is doing very well together. My current stock is as listed below:
x1 Common Plecostomus
x1 Azul Peacock Bass
x1 Polypterus Endlicheri
x1 Silver Arowana (Surprise!)
Please keep...