
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. E

    First Polypterus: need advice!

    Hi folks, I'm an all-round newbie: new to the hobby and the forum. My tank's been set up for two months, its cycled and I'm ready to get some fish. I'd really like to get a Polypterus, probably delhezi or ornatipinnis. I currently have a 36 long x 18 wide aquarium with about 9-10 inches of...
  2. rayoddballfish

    Polypterus jumping?

    Hey all, i have a quick problem again. My polypterus lapreidei who is around 11 inches has recently started jumping out of the water trying to get out. Sometimes I will hear splashing and go to the tank and watch him consistently (5 times) go to the surface and jump. The water quality seems...
  3. AG458

    Ok then...

    Just another normal day in my tank. What are some odd places you've found your polys in?
  4. D

    Knife Fish Compatibility

    Hello all! I am slowly stocking my 150 gallon tank and I was wondering if a BGK would be detrimental to the health of my other fish. I currently have six 1.5-2" clown loaches, and four angelfish. I will be adding 3-4 ropefish, and 1-2 bichirs, and maybe 1-2 pearl gouramis. My question is...
  5. D

    Bichir tank setup.

    Hello all! I'm new here and while having owned aquariums for many years, I am new to Bichir. I have a 150 gallon tank and am trying to figure out what to stock it with. I have 4 angelfish and most likely will add one or two more. I would like to get 3-5 clown loaches, and 2-3 Bichir, a BGK...
  6. Jacob._.merc

    Delhezi with africans

    Would a small delhezi (4.1 inches) be able to cope with 2 mbunas and 2 peacocks? They're each about 3 1/2 to 5 inches.
  7. MooseTheWizard

    Ropefish Care Website

    Previously I posted a thread asking for photos of ropefish to be used in a care website I was creating. I have now finished the website, and would like to share it with the community. Any suggestions or criticism are welcome. Also please let me know if something isn't working as intended, or...
  8. Jacob._.merc

    Senegal bichir with delhezi bichir

    I currently own 2 bichirs in separate tanks. The Senegal is 5 1/2 inches while the delhezi is 4 inches. Would the Senegal be able to eat him?
  9. Feesh4life2000


    I have a little bichir in a 10 gallon grow out tank (don’t worry 125 gallon is on stand by) and he just started freaking out he swims frantically around the tank jumping and swimming into things and then he just sits still for a little while and starts doing it again when he sits still he looks...
  10. clm08k

    Poly being ostracized?

    My smaller female moke (moke 1)has been sitting in the left hand corner of the tank almost all day today. I saw her on the right side of the tank for a second. But the larger moke (moke 2) had the smaller mokes finlets in his mouth again. Moke 2 is so gentle, so it’s very bizarre. Over the past...
  11. rayoddballfish

    Polypterus question...... again :)

    Hey all i have another question about my poly. I've noticed since I bought my female lap from the LFS that whenever I do a large water change like 80-100 percent (I know I shouldnt but sometimes my tank is really dirty so i do it) my poly will exhibit some sort of fin rott or degrading. After a...
  12. AG458

    Haven't shared in a while...

    Just a little update on my endli. He's now swimming around the tank a lot more, and he'll swim to the top of the tank when I feed him, rather than wait for the pellets to hit the ground. He hasn't grown very much, but he's awesome nonetheless. I've attached a couple pics of him I took recently...
  13. M

    polypterus ill, please help, urgent

    Hello.. I am a research assistant in the ichthyology dept at the American Museum Natural History. We have an aquarium behind the scenes, and we have 2 african lungfish, each in identical tanks. We have had them for years and there have been no problems until now. One lungfish is perfectly...
  14. rayoddballfish

    Bichir Parasitic disease?

    Hey guys! i know i haven't been posting in a while and also was too busy to make a new polyset up but i have again run into another problem. My lapreidei bichir who i have had since this may is doing alright. However, I feel like she has internal parasites because she hasn't grown a bit in the...
  15. MooseTheWizard

    Ropefish Pictures

    I am currently working on developing a website that will provide articles on ropefish care, feeding, breeding progress, etc. The website is being created as there is an unfortunate lack of concise information regarding the species. It is my goal to accumulate everything I can into one, easy to...
  16. V

    My albino polypterus is covered in slime PLEASE HELP

    I am unfortunately having some serious issues with my polypterus that I thought would have caused his death by now but he doesn’t appear to be getting any worse or better... He is 4in long, first one to be introduced to a brand new cycled monster tank. Now his tank mates are: 1 silver arowana 2...
  17. FishBeast

    Stocking opinions please...

    Hi! I am thinking about stocking options for my 210 which will house polypterus. I was going to put in 4 american cichlids (JD, severum, firemouth and EB acara) but decided I just want to just have 4-6 oddballs in addition to the polys. The small albino sen will also go with the cichlids in a...
  18. clm08k

    Polys in a public aquarium setting

    I explored the Georgia Aquarium today and didn’t see any polys. I don’t remember seeing polys at the Shedd either. Both are fantastic aquariums obviously and have various freshwater specimens such as Australian lungfish, gars, and stingrays. Why the lack of polys though? Is it because they...
  19. Jacob._.merc

    Weird stuff on bichir head

    Some one help please. I have a Senegal bichir and hes about 5 and a half inches but recently I noticed this weird dust looking stuff on his head and his color has gotten a lot darker than normal. Is this normal or a parasite?
  20. AG458

    Is My Endli WC or CB?

    There was a semi discussion about this on one of my other threads about my endli. One guy said that mine looked WC with a little bit of CB traits; the other said mine was a flat-out CB. Here are some pics for visual aid. What do you guys think?